8 services to send emails in the future
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Letters to the future - a great way to remind yourself of old dreams and experiences, or just to share thoughts and emotions, which can not tell anyone else. Layfhaker offers a list of services through which you can write in the future for themselves or another person.
1. Future-mail
Through this service, you can write a letter with a delay of 1 day to 100 years - not only myself, but a friend or even a stranger. For news you are free to attach a file size of 500 KB or a picture with your webcam. Paying $ 7, it is possible to send a letter in paper form.
To use the website, it is necessary to register. Also on the Future-mail there is a section letters that their originators chose not to hide from the public eye.
Future-mail →
2. MailFuture
One of the most basic services of this kind. Write a message, enter the recipient's name and e-mail box as well as the delivery date, and then wait.
The letter can be sent to a maximum of 100 years in advance, but it is necessary to select a smaller period: The site rests on pure enthusiasm, therefore, may at any time cease to exist. However, the authors say that the cost of maintaining a minimum service, so it is unlikely he will close soon.
MailFuture →
3. cherezgod.rf
The project of St. Petersburg was born recently and has a much more pleasing design than many other services. The site stands out by the fact that the letter on it, you can send only a year ahead. Despite this limitation, the service more than 270 000 people took advantage of a few days.
cherezgod.rf →
4. FutureMe
service on EnglishBut it is easy to understand without knowing the language. On the main page, enter the message text, specify a date and send the mail address of the recipient, decide with private messages and click on the colorful gradient button.
The site has a section where you can read a public letter. In 2018 it should be available in more customizable Pro-version for teachers, communities and brands.
FutureMe →
5. LetterMeLater
This site is more like a full-fledged email client than just a service for sending messages in the future. On it you will need to register, but you get access to both the address book, and user-friendly editor. In the When to Send indicate the date, and it is possible to set up and sending interval. Then a letter will come to you with a certain periodicity. It is possible to attach a file.
Initially, the service is free, but for $ 20 a year, you will be able to send more letters to a greater number of people, and a limit on the size of the investment will grow to 50 MB.
LetterMeLater →
6. Letter 2 Future
The service, which stores all emails in a reliable Swiss service MOUNT10 computer security. The site additionally offers the service of sending paper letters, which costs $ 6.
The Letter 2 Future is a function that allows you to give yourself a promise: You ask yourself the question, and after a specified time to answer honestly to him by mail. After that, the service provides a graph that will show how you perform on a regular basis on its promises.
The site can be slow in Google Chrome, but in Microsoft Edge pages load without any problems.
Letter 2 Future →
7. Yandex. post office
Letters to the future, you can write, and through some of the traditional postal services, for example through the "Yandex. Mail. " In the compilation of the letters next to the yellow "Send" button located to the clock icon. Click on it and select the date and time of sending. In the line of the recipient, enter your own email address, so that the letter came to you in the mail.
Yandex. mail →
8. Gmail
To set up a delayed shipment to Google mail, Will have to install the extension Boomerang, which is available for all popular browsers. In the writing of the letter under the blue "Submit" button will appear red Send Later button. Compose your message, select the recipient, press the button and select the date and time of sending.
gmail →
Set Boomerang →