Monetary or stone to what suburb you would live
Miscellaneous / / December 19, 2019
As the kings of the new dynasty tried to do from the medieval city of European capital
In the XVII century in Moscow emerged elegant temples Russian patterns the first water and a stone bridge. And yet XVII century was buntashnym century, when the minor and major uprising in the city gave way to a devastating fire. Let's see how Moscow Romanov looked at this difficult time for them.Where Moscow began and ended
By the time he began to reign, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Moscow has already become a major metropolis. Travelers capital compared with Paris, London and Constantinople. Moscow seems to them more than it is, because of the impressive distances and chaotic buildings. Unified development plan is not, and most of the urban space occupied by gardens, vegetable gardens and vacant lots. Moscow looks like a village.
"... when the vast majority of homes are vacant lots and yards, to so many more homes are adjacent and orchards, fertile gardens, yes, In addition, separate them from each other rather extensive grasslands, interspersed with countless them, we can say, churches and chapels; therefore, it does not have so many people, it was considered by some, deceived her with the vastness of mind. "
BUT. Meyerberg, Austrian envoy.
"Travel to Muscovy Baron Augustine Mayerberg"
The population of Moscow was mainly pasad people - artisans and merchants. Their courtyards divided city in the settlement, which was about 140 to the XVII century. Each suburb has its own specialty: one lived smiths, in the other - tanners, in the third - the potters, in the fourth - masons.
Like other medieval city in Europe at that time, Moscow was built on the radial-circular principle. In the center housed the Kremlin - the prince's palace with churches surrounded by a moat and a wall. Trade and craft villages clustered around the Kremlin and bind the grid of streets. Streets interrupted fortifications which ringed the city from the center to the outskirts - the farther from the Kremlin, the wider. Protective walls arranged along the circular streets.
One of Moscow's settlements in the engraving of XVII century
Masons at work. Portrait miniature of the XVI century
"Sigismund Plan" - a map of Moscow, made the Poles in 1610
"Sigismund Plan" - a map of Moscow, made the Poles in 1610
Moscow consisted of four rings: the Kremlin, China Town, the White and Earthen city. In such a plan in the Middle Ages had its advantages: if the enemy will take earthen city or a fire destroyed all the wooden houses, they stop following the line of stone walls. But the further we go from the Middle Ages, the less sense to build the city ring. The city walls are losing value, and to maintain their expensive.
In the XVII century the Kremlin loses its defensive significance and becomes a front royal residence.
Moscow looked like home, the House and the church
The basis of the city in the XVII century - wood, and this feature to continue beyond Moscow to the XIX century. But gradually more and more built stone churches and chambers. They huddled in the territory of China, the city and the White City - prosperous commercial districts of Moscow.
Typical house in the XVII century - wooden, with one or two floors. During the construction of houses in the craft villages used the same technology. Carpenters joined logs-crowns in the frame, covered the roof of his tosa and cut a small little window light. Glass manufacturing in the XVII century is not yet established, so the window openings covered with mica or oiled canvas.
Ready to frame the windows and the roof called the cage. The cage was put on the ground or some other framework - basement. The basement was used to store food and belongings. Living room - the upper room - at the top. If the house became too small, it is attached to the new stand. According to this principle it was built not only houses, but also of wood princely palaces.
The streets of Moscow XVII century engraving of Adam Oleary
From log cabins-stands was the prince's palace in Kolomenskoye - the most massive wooden structure in Moscow XVII century
House of Romanov boyars in Zaryadye
From log cabins-stands was the prince's palace in Kolomenskoye - the most massive wooden structure in Moscow XVII century
Stone chambers of the boyars and merchants can be counted on the fingers. The robust material, some survived to this day: the House of Romanov boyars and Old English the court in charge Chamber Averky Kirillov on Bersenevskaya promenade and Simon Ushakov - in Ipatiev Lane.
From the Chamber of craftsmen houses of merchants, nobles and princes, differing not only building materials but also the size and furnishings. Chamber built in two or three floors. The first tier, almost windowless, still used as a warehouse. On the second floor it was arranged refectory, library and living quarters of the male half of the house. The third floor was allocated to women. There was a room with large windows for doing needlework - front room - and, of course, a bedroom.
Churches were the first and highest stone buildings in Moscow. Their number is still amazed at the entrance to the city. Glistening in the sun dome were built along the line of the horizon and rose above the other buildings.
"In the Kremlin, and in a lot of churches, chapels and monasteries; inside and outside the city walls there are more than 2000, since now each of the nobles, having some property, tells himself to build a special chapel; most of them are made of stone. Stone churches all within the round arches. "
Adam Oleary, the German traveler.
"Description of travel to Muscovy and through Muscovy to Persia and back"
In the middle of the century, instead of massive temples with thick walls architects begin to build elegant patterns the church in style. Colored tiles decorated facades, and as long as conventional kokoshniki unusual elements Western architecture that podglyadel masons in the engravings. Architects less strict follow church canons and more experimenting.
Uzoroche was the first step towards the secularization of architecture. In the 80s of the XVII century image of churches is changing again, and in its place comes a new style Uzoroche - Naryshkin. It is used in the construction of the royal court and in the houses close to the court nobles. Style name due to the fact that customers of the brightest of its monuments were Naryshkin boyars.
Donkey walk. An engraving of Adam Olearius
Holy Trinity Church in Nikitniki - model temple style Uzoroche
Church of the Intercession in Fili
Church of the Intercession in Fili
The composition of the building becomes symmetric, all tiers tend to the central axis. Skill masons growing - now they think not only about decorating, but also on a holistic impression of the building.
The capital building in Naryshkin Baroque replace Peter's baroque, but it will be only at the beginning of the next century.
As Moscow lived: the city of God, life and entertainment
XVII century - the time of uprisings, fires and epidemics. Sloboda burned at least 10 times over the centuries, repeated incidents of contamination of dirty water from the ducts of the Moscow River, and the infrastructure was not sufficiently developed to prevent disaster. The kings of Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich begin to develop the city on the European model.
Water arranged in Vodovzvodnaya (Sviblovo) tower, the water in the piped
of the Moscow River
Ground water in the Kremlin designed the Englishman Christopher Galloway in 1631-1633 years. Up to this point the Kremlin supplied water trucks and primitive samotochny water. Now the water is fed into the lower tier of the tower Vodovzvodnaya gravity and pumping machine shakes it in the tank of the upper tier of the tower. From there, the water flows through the pipes in the gardens and the Kremlin palaces.
Water arranged in Vodovzvodnaya (Sviblovo) tower, the water which comes from the Moskva river
BUT. M. Vasnetsov. "The flowering of the Kremlin. All Saints Bridge and the Kremlin at the end of the XVII century. " In 1680, the brick walls of the Kremlin painted with lime white
BUT. M. Vasnetsov. "The flowering of the Kremlin. All Saints Bridge and the Kremlin at the end of the XVII century. " In 1680, the brick walls of the Kremlin painted with lime white
The first stone bridge built in Moscow for 40 years and was inaugurated in the 1680s. He was called All Saints, later - a large stone. Its wooden predecessors were temporary: they are dismantled with the winter frosts and spring floods, and then collected again. "Live" bridges surprised visitors.
"The bridge near the Kremlin, opposite to the gate of the second city wall, excites great surprise, he was smooth, made of large wooden beams, fitting to one another and connected by thick ropes of the lime crust, the ends of which are attached to the towers and to the opposite side of the river. When the water arrives, the bridge is raised, because it is not held on the posts and consist of boards lying on the water, and when it decreases, and the bridge is lowered. "
Paul of Aleppo, Archdeacon of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.
"Journey Patriarch of Antioch Macarius in Russia in the middle of the XVII century"
The temporary bridge is easy to assemble and disassemble the attack of the enemy. But the need to defend the Kremlin with the water gradually eroding. But the royal residence is decorated with all the luxuriant - as elegant Spasskaya clock tower, a stone bridge was the main attraction of the city.
In the XVII century the inhabitants of the settlements have suffered from fires due to a failed plan of streets, houses and material lack of infrastructure. Modern homes are no longer made of wood and not put so close together, but the risk of fire still remains.
Avoid fires helps the use of modern non-combustible materials in construction and planning decisions. For example, low-density development: the house above, but located far from each other, which prevents the spread of fire in case of fire. Around the houses are often found marked area - the place where the parked fire engine, so that rescuers can remove residents from balconies.
Education and urban entertainment
Life Muscovites are not limited to hard work and escape from the fire. Brisk book trade, higher education and city celebrations, too, innovations of the XVII century.
Moscow printing house rebuilt after the destruction of the Poles in 1620. Previously, he served only the sovereign's courtyard, in the XVII century the private traders of books and book series. Reading by the end of the century becomes available entertainment. On sale at booksellers can find books on military affairs, primers and collections of poetry.
When Printing Office opened a library in 1687 - the first institution of higher education. Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy founded Likhud brothers, Greek Orthodox monks. Here people from different classes for 12 years taught the Greek language, rhetoric, logic and grammar.
Moscow Printing House on Nikolskaya Street
City festivities. An engraving of Adam Olearius
City festivities. An engraving of Adam Olearius
During the feast day, and the official spectacles Muscovites strolling in the XVII century the new stone bridge, watching buffoonery performances and puppet theaters, buying sweets at fairs and curiously watched the triumphal entry foreign ambassadors.
Already in the next century, Moscow will not learn: the first oil lamps appear on the streets and city estates and balls and salons will be the favorite entertainment of citizens.
View of the Red Square in 1783
Moscow for half a century like no capital. Extensive noble estates coexist with shacks and huts black. On the one hand - idleness and secular methods, on the other - potato stew and monotonous daily work.
Citizens of the upper class. It could never work, but rarely use it. The men were in the army, the state or the court. In court life participated and women, but in Moscow, in the distance from the capital, such a possibility they had not.
The standard of living of urban traders was different. In contrast, craftsmen who traded only objects of its production, merchants enjoyed an advantage and could sell a variety of products: from scrupulous (underwear and perfumes) to the colonial (tea, coffee, spice).
Buildings in Moscow was uneven. Wide stone paved street leads to the wooden bridge. Miserable hovels heap stood around palaces and noble houses. Some areas looked like vacant lots, while others crowded the poor house, the third metropolitan impressive brilliance.
"Wrong", "extraordinary", "Contrast" - so described Moscow foreigners who managed to visit here during the time of Elizabeth and Catherine II.
"I was surprised by a strange kind of Smolensk, but much more I was struck by the immensity and diversity of Moscow. It's something so wrong, distinctive, extraordinary, everything here is so full of contrasts, that I never had seen anything like it. "
William Cox, a British traveler.
"Traveling in Poland, Russia, Switzerland and Denmark"
Adolf Bayo. Pashkov House on the hill Vagankovsky
Adolf Bayo. Pashkov house
Vagankovsky on hill
In Moscow, settled nobility average hand, so most houses were built in a tree. They suffered from fires and again lined up on the "red line" - it marks the boundary of construction on every street. Houses richest names built of stone famous architects. We have survived these buildings. The most striking example of noble housing of the XVIII century - Pashkov House, which is believed to have been built by architect Vasily Bazhenov.
Unknown artist. View Ilinka Street in Moscow XVIII century
Unknown artist. View
street Ilinka in Moscow XVIII century
A typical merchant's house was two stories. The ground floor could be a stone, the second - wooden. European practice, when merchants settled on their own benches, have not yet become popular, because the shopping arcade imposed in some areas of the city. apartment buildings - near the end of the century, when Ekaterina II, a new type of housing appears in Moscow. On the upper floors of apartment buildings were merchants living rooms and apartments for rent, bottom - shops and stores. One of the first apartment buildings of this type in Moscow was the home Khryashcheva on Ilyinke.
Unknown artist. View Ilinka Street in Moscow XVIII century
Unknown artist. street view
Ilinka in Moscow XVIII century
As residents of craft villages in the XVII century, Tradesmen settled in simple wooden houses. Their way of life has changed more slowly than in the richer classes. House nobles and merchants were built according to the latest fashion, home philistines - out of habit. The only change occurred in the internal structure of the house: instead of the total for the whole family in the room homes now appear separate rooms.
In the XVIII century it was very noticeable difference between the houses of the nobility and the urban poor. In XX century, housing became available, but the comfort meant a separate apartment with all the amenities of the surrounding environment, the speech is not going.
Now the popular district development. In contrast to the point of construction, it implies a clear division of space around the houses on public - squares and streets around the houses, and private - public gardens and courtyards, accessed from the street limited. Now, when buying an apartment a person evaluates not only the cost and location of future homes, but also the quality improvement area.
P. Picard. The Moscow Kremlin at the beginning of the XVIII century
P. Picard. Moscow
Kremlin at the beginning of the XVIII century
Officers came to the barracks to 6, officials - to 7-8 in the morning. By midday ended in shows and parades, and the presence of interrupted for lunch.
Socialite woke up later in the morning. After breakfast, followed by a walk through the park or a trip accompanied by the runner - a servant, walking accompanied the crew. Then - dinner, theater and dance, which lasted until morning.
"A nobleman who wants to be a man of the world, should have a Danish dog runner, many workers (badly dressed) and a French teacher."
Tesbi de Bellecour, the captain of the French service.
"Notes on the Frenchman Moscow 1774"
B. Kustodiev. Gostiny Dvor
B. Kustodiev. Gostiny Dvor
Trade in Moscow began early, so early as 6am merchant opened his shop in the arcade or on the first floor of an apartment house. At the site he drank tea, liberally dined, talked with the merchants in the neighborhood. In the evening I went to a restaurant or a fair, and in the ninth hour, immersed in a dream.
Detail of brand name Yaroslavl Big manufactory. The middle of the XVIII century
Detail of the brand name Big
Yaroslavl manufactory. The middle of the XVIII century
Artisans working at home, in a residential area or courtyard. Participation in the work to take all pets, even children. Due to the appearance of factories and organized the production of some of the artisans became unprofitable to work on themselves, and they became wage-workers: weaving, build ships, forged metal products and stocking glass. Moscow was the largest textiles Cloth yard. The working day begins there at half past four in the morning and lasted 13.5 hours in the spring and summer months, and 11.5 hours in the rest of the year.
For the nobles eating was an art to the merchants - way to pass the time, for the middle class - a matter of survival.
Unknown artist. Lunch in a noble family
Unknown artist.
Lunch in a noble family
In rich houses preferred European cuisine. Tea and coffee in the XVIII century, ceased to be exotic, but pricey. Since the beginning of the century came the fashion for foreign chefs - French, English less. Some products were discharged from Europe over which ironically Gogol "The Government Inspector", where Khlestakov to the table "soup in a saucepan directly on the steamer arrived from Paris."
B. Kustodiev. Merchant's Wife, drinking tea
B. Kustodiev. Merchant's Wife, drinking tea
Merchant's table was easier. Tea from a samovar, who drank "to the seventh handkerchief" (not yet proshibot sweat), porridge mixed with bacon, soups, cakes, radish and vegetable dishes - the main thing in the diet is not the diversity and abundance and satiety.
"Bellied merchants, as before, after the tea practiced their trade matters, at noon ate radishes, slurped wooden or tin soup spoons, which floats on the tops of fat and upisyvali buckwheat mixed with oil. "
Ivan Lazhechnikov writer.
"Belenky, chornenkie and grayish"
F. Sun. The peasant family before dinner. Class people and peasants lived in similar conditions of life. The main thing that distinguishes them - daily activities and profession
F. Sun. The peasant family before
dinner. Class people and peasants lived in similar
living conditions. The main thing that distinguishes them,
- daily activities and profession
The daily menu was potato stew, soup of gray cabbage, rye cakes and steamed turnip. In addition, the commoners could afford dishes of peas, vegetables from the garden and cereals. Kvass replaced them tea and coffee.
City Entertainment
That, as a resident of Moscow, entertained, primarily spoke about his social status. Festive life in the city was for all tastes: from the theaters, balls and music room to street fairs and fisticuffs.
Admission to the noble house
Admission to the noble house
The life of the Moscow nobility was so idle and leisurely that irritated Catherine II:
"Moscow - the capital of idleness, and its excessive value will always be the main reason for this. I made it a rule, when I'm out there, never for anyone not to send; for one visit carried out in a carriage all day, and that, therefore, the day is lost. "
Recording of diary Catherine II
Day nobles walked through the parks or streets in their elegant outfits. Then the route was to the family for tea. Family gatherings were not as much fun as you want: to maintain family ties relied on social etiquette.
After lunch, read and change dresses nobleman went into a theater. In 1757, the opera opened Locatelli, later - the Petrovsky Theater, which played voluntary and serf actors. Around 10 pm balls began, which could not only dance, but also to play cards, charades or Burime.
IN. Surikov. Big masquerade in 1772 on the streets of Moscow with the participation of Peter I and Prince I. F. Romodanovsky
IN. Surikov. big masquerade
in 1772 on the streets of Moscow with the participation of
Peter I and Prince I. F. Romodanovsky
Noisy street fairs, puppet theater, comedy and performances of buffoons - these were the main entertainment merchants.
"For comedy performed usually homegrown troubadour with bandura, with songs and dances. Marvelous things he maketh his feet, and every bone in it said. And how will jump to the very nose of comely widow, will lead shoulder and obdasta it as boiling water, valiant demand, "Al did not like?" - that was the delight of the end. "
Ivan Lazhechnikov writer.
"Belenky, chornenkie and grayish"
Merchants spent the evening in restaurants or at home, and on city holidays were chosen to watch the fireworks. But it is only in the XVIII century: the next century, wealthy merchants will seek to emulate the nobility throughout.
B. Kustodiev. Fist fight on the Moscow River
B. Kustodiev.
Fist fight on the Moscow River
Surfing the taverns and restaurants they could not afford, but in street festivities involved all. From winter activities enjoyed fisticuffs, alone or wall to wall. Teams diverge on the banks of the frozen Moscow River and fought in the middle. Major battles took place for the holidays: nikoljdan, Twelve Days of Christmas, Epiphany and Shrovetide.
In the XIX century a sharp distinction between the urban and rural populations than among petty bourgeois and merchant. Merchants, tradesmen and artisans began to be called "urban laymen." But the gap between the everyday life of the nobility and the "average state of people" remained in the next century.
J. Delabart. Red Square in the late XVIII - early XIX century
What rules have lived, what they ate and how to talk to the rich and poor families
Moscow in the XIX century - the capital of retired and elderly. She was conservative St. Petersburg, where he went for a career and fashion. In Moscow houses dominated by the family hierarchy, familiar way relationship and many other everyday conventions.Nobles life
Moscow nobles obmelchali after the war, and the fire of 1812. "Open Table" and hospitable of the last century could maintain a few. En masse impoverished noble families led a nomadic lifestyle and ate at the homes of the rich. It became more officials. They are counted among the nobility, but had a large fortune.
These nobles built houses and city estates on Maroseyka, Pokrovka and the area between Ostozhenka and Arbat. Officials close to the merchants settled: now serving on Taganka, Sretenka and Virgin's Field. For the Garden Ring was built cottages and country estates with a garden or park.
IN. Polenov. Grandma's garden. Typical wooden house in Moscow
IN. Polenov. Grandma's garden.
Typical wooden house in Moscow
The nobility of moderate means to build houses out of wood. But the big 7-9 in the windows, with a mezzanine and columns. Park or garden with linden alley, elderberry and lilac was a mandatory attribute of aristocratic life. The farther from the center, the more extensive was the garden.
The interior houses the pursuit of fashion gave way to persistence. Bought at the beginning of the century furniture in the Empire style stood in front of the house, along with porcelain knickknacks and cabinet bronze sculpture. Cramped living quarters in the attic and on the back side of the house hedged anyhow.
BUT. Hairs. Tea table
BUT. Hairs. Tea table
Unlike refined dinners Petersburg, Moscow was hearty and plentiful. The morning tea was added cream and cakes washed down with oil. Lunch prepared dense, with scrambled eggs, meatballs, or cheesecakes. About three hours the family and frequent guests gathered for a dinner of several courses in French or Russian style. At lunch backed by tea and cakes in the evening we had finished lunch leftovers or prepare several dishes shifts, depending on the wealth of the house.
The noble house had many inhabitants. In addition to relatives there was a place for aunts, cousins, second cousins, sisters and nephews, as well as the poor and governesses.
The house, as before, divided into male and female halves. Office, library and smoking were the men's room and the boudoir, a sofa and a maiden - women. Domestic servants and moved freely between the halves, but took a strictly personal guests in their territory.
Children's room was given a place away from the adult bedrooms. The kids lived in shared rooms for a few people, the teenage children were divided into male and female halves. Homework carried out in the classroom, where a visiting teacher came. He gave lessons in social etiquette, music and foreign language.
dictionary nobleman
Jolle journee - "crazy day", the day the ball, which started at two o'clock in the afternoon and lasted till night.
Zhurfiksy - days of the week in a noble house, which stood out for the regular reception of guests.
Vauxhall - a pleasure garden, which staged plays, balls and fireworks.
Merchant's life
Merchants in Moscow XIX century flourishes. There are new names, which according to the riches are not inferior to the nobility. Morozov, Ryabushinskys, Prokhorovs top the list of the richest businessmen of the Russian Empire. Ambitious merchants seek to reach out to the nobility of life and level of education, and invest their capital in the development of the arts and sciences. Another part of the carefully preserved their customs and eschews all unusual.
Merchant districts were Taganka, Presnya, Zamoskvorechye and Lefortovo. The latter - due to the proximity to the Kitai-Gorod bargain. Merchants, manufacturers prefer to build houses closer to production, so choose the outskirts of the city.
IN. Perov. The arrival of a governess in a Merchant House
IN. Perov.
The arrival of a governess in a Merchant House
While grew poorer nobles, merchants making a fortune. They built a simple but sturdy stone houses or redeemed former noble estates and hedged them to your taste. Houses are usually out in the garden with a vegetable patch. In the courtyard of stored goods that the merchant delivered to the shops.
Merchant's house different from the amount of noble icons and motley decoration: crimson walls in the living room, plenty of pictures and trinkets intermingled with expensive furnishings. Unity of style in the home environment is rarely observed, the most educated families.
N. Bogdanov-Belsky. Tea Party
N. Bogdanov-Belsky. Tea Party
Supplies merchant's house in the harvested themselves - cellars were made pickles to the ceiling. We put on the table not less rich than the nobles, but the dishes were Russian: pies, porridge. On the merchant table sets do not survive, all the dishes were variegated.
The merchant does not always come back home for dinner, so the whole family gathered around the table in the evening, about eight hours. After a hearty dinner with fatty dishes all home drinking tea for a long time a bit of sugar with sugar or jam.
IN. Pukirev. Admission dowry in a merchant family in painting
IN. Pukirev.
Admission dowry in a merchant family in painting
Family life of merchants in the XIX century began with the participation of a matchmaker. Dowry carefully counted. Marriages are made after Smotrin bridegroom observed the merchant's daughter in a public place, and then come with a personal visit and asked for her hand. Merchants' wives lived idly and almost did not engage in the economy - only accept guests or organized trips. They gave children the education of a nurse, and education relied on the church. Even at the end of the century only a few merchants' children were taught in high schools and universities.
dictionary merchant
Feryaz - a traditional merchant outerwear.
Beardless - a merchant that follows Western fashion. Instead of wearing a caftan modern clothes, clean shave, educated and knows languages.
Sorokavodernaya barrel - a measure not only the volume, but also beauty. Burly, barrel-sized sorokavodernuyu women - merchant's ideal in the XIX century.
Meshchansky life
In the XIX century burghers were the main population of Moscow. Especially a lot of them became after the reform of 1861, when the peasants began to move to the cities in search of work. By class burger treated and teachers, and day laborers, and all other hired workers.
Factory workers and artisans settled outside the Garden ring in rented apartments and small houses. Khamovniki, Lefortovo and Georgians dug them back in the XVII century. In Moscow, "the Ghetto" - the charge and the dark corners of China-town - settled shoemakers, tailors and other small artisans.
IN. Polenov. Moscow courtyard
IN. Polenov. Moscow courtyard
Bourgeois property was modest apartments and wooden houses in two or three rooms. The walls are decorated with cheap reproductions that were cut from newspapers and magazines. Samovar and clocks were considered a luxury. Gardening kept as far as possible, if enough space. Meshchansky District on the outskirts of the village looked like there was no lights and paved roads.
Today, to create a new area in which people want to live, it is not enough to design a home - you need to create a space comfortable for everyone. Projects pic next to school built houses, kindergartens, hospitals, car parks, playgrounds and sports areas. On the first floor opened stores, pharmacies, bakeries and establishments, so that for the necessary things do not need to travel far. A new area to once seemed comfortable in the yard planted mature trees, not saplings.
Lithography. Exchange a cab and street peddler
Exchange a cab and street peddler
When the burgers are not fasted, they ate corned beef and cabbage, always with rye bread to satiety. Sitno white bread and cakes were considered for dessert. Meat dishes are prepared from by-products, which are bought in numerous shops charge. Pies, ham, jelly and pancakes were festive dishes. Workers eat at home for breakfast and dinner, and lunch street food, where hawkers sold.
IN. Maksimov. Family section
IN. Maksimov. Family section
Early rise, early dinner and supper - a middle-class life is determined by hard work. The head of the family at six in the morning went to the factory or service, the women worked at home. Summer evenings spent in the yards, in the open air - are going to not only the family but also neighbors.
The family hierarchy is strictly observed, the children brought up butting and cuffs. By the age of 12 boys arrived in discipleship to the artisan, and the girls - to Svejk, in the studio or hat shops.
dictionary tradesman
Golo - offal and meat leftovers, which traded in wholesale charges and shops in the streets. The workers and artisans bought them from a tray for lunch.
Chuikov - the outer garment workers and artisans, light coat length below the knee.
Khalatnikov - the nickname of the boys who received training to artisans. They came to the city from the village as a teenager and wore cloth or quilted bathrobes.
In the XVII to XIX century Moscow has changed less than in the first decades of the following - Soviet - era. Soon wooden houses replaced huts, and later - Khrushchev. The tenement houses will arrange communal apartments, and for the sake of futuristic avant-garde projects demolish half of historic buildings.
View of the Moscow State University.
Photo: wastesoul
XX century - a bold avant-garde projects, Stalin's empire and experiments with cheap social housing. We tell which buildings of Moscow can be regarded as signs of the time.
Students perform the task on the subject "Space". Rationalism in architecture. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Students perform the task on the subject "Space". Rationalism in architecture. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
"The space, rather than stone - the material of architecture."
N. BUT. Ladovsky
The first architectural avant-garde experiments began rationalists and constructivists. The architects of these areas of work simultaneously and constantly arguing with each other.
Rationalism appeared a year or two before constructivism. the idea underlying the rationalist project that the architect can direct human emotions through play on the effects of space. According to the chief architect of the rationalists N. BUT. Ladovsky, the person receives the maximum aesthetic pleasure from the simple shapes: sphere, cube, cylinder.
Architects-rationalists longer taught, than to build. Many of their projects remained only on paper.
Havsko-Shabolovsky zhilmassiv, land of the southern the metro "Red Gate".
Havsko-Shabolovsky zhilmassiv. Architects: B. AND. Bibikov, K. Socks, H. Scheper. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Havsko-Shabolovsky zhilmassiv. Architects: B. AND. Bibikov, K. Socks, H. Scheper. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
South hall metro "Red Gate". Architect: NA BUT. Ladovsky. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
South hall metro "Red Gate". Architect: NA BUT. Ladovsky. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Architects and combining
N. BUT. Ladovsky, ASNOVA (Association of New Architects).
How to distinguish
N. Ladovsky. Palace of Soviets in Moscow. Competition project (first round). 1931 Layout. From the book of Selim Khan-Magomedov, "The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde", part 1
N. Ladovsky. Palace of Soviets in Moscow. Competition project (first round). 1931 Layout. From the book of Selim Khan-Magomedov, "The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde", part 1
Use simple shapes (cube, sphere, cone).
G. Krutikov. The town is the highest art school. VHUTEMAS (class N. Ladovsky). 1927 From the book of Selim Khan-Magomedov, "The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde", part 1
G. Krutikov. The town is the highest art school. VHUTEMAS (class N. Ladovsky). 1927 From the book of Selim Khan-Magomedov, "The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde", part 1
The buildings consist of repeating geometric shapes.
The houses Havsko-Shabolovskaya zhilmassiva light paint are emphasized all the horizontal elements of the building. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The houses Havsko-Shabolovskaya zhilmassiva light paint are emphasized all the horizontal elements of the building. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
No decorations, only a contrasting paint facades.
Communal house students of the Moscow Textile Institute. Photo: @ rosswolfe1 / Flickr
Communal house students of the Moscow Textile Institute. Photo: @ rosswolfe1 / Flickr
Unlike the rationalists, who first thought about aesthetics and the nature of perception, architects-constructivists believed that determine the appearance of the building should function. Honest, naked structure, which is not hidden behind the embellishment - a new ideal of beauty.
Constructivism was the first international course. In this style, built similar buildings around the world, but projects of the Soviet architects recognized the most romantic and best. Le Corbusier, the legendary French architect, wrote in a letter S. Mountain: "... Your youth is full of talent, but believe that it is ten times more romantic than I am."
Constructivists were looking for new types of buildings that meet the social demand of the working class: the house-commune, commercial kitchens, clubs, stores and factories. Each building is designed to account for standardization and rapid construction.
Communal house was a building constructed on a "machine for living." The architects tried to relieve residents from the hardships of life - common dining room, library, bath and laundry facilities leave little space for private and family life. But in the commune houses assumed full personal services like in a hotel. Perfect house-commune was not designed for families: it had formed a new collectivist attitudes. Because municipalities homes rose not so convenient Soviet communal flat, and the final failure of the collective living ideas, Khrushchev said.
Factory-kitchens were like factories producing cheap food. There was combined plant where industrially prepared food hundreds of employees, and public dining. Factory kitchen was to change social relations. Instead of "philistine" lunch when at the same table the whole family, the factory-kitchen offers meals together hundreds of men and women freed from everyday hassle. Gradually it became clear that the free food on such a scale - too expensive, and commercial kitchens were only for industrial enterprises.
Home commune and factory-built kitchen little after 1930 and became a symbol of utopian projects of the early communism.
ZIL cultural center, home of the People's Commissariat, the club "Proletariat" plant "Compressor".
Architects and combining
Brothers Vesnins, GMS (Combine modern architects).
How to distinguish
ZIL cultural center. Architects Vesnin brothers. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
ZIL cultural center. Architects Vesnin brothers. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The walls of the buildings - a laconic plastered surface unadorned.
Mostorg. Architects Vesnin brothers. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Mostorg. Architects Vesnin brothers. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The flat roof, metal and glazing.
Factory kitchen ISS number 1. Photo: Wikimedia commons
Factory kitchen ISS number 1. Photo: Wikimedia commons
New terms of function of the building with recognizable names: the house-commune, department, factory kitchen.
ZIL cultural center. Architects Vesnin brothers. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
ZIL cultural center. Architects Vesnin brothers. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
In the composition of simple geometric shapes are used that are freely combined with each other.
D. F. Friedman, J. AND. Loveyko. "Dzerzhinsky Square" metro station project (now the "Lubyanka"). 1934 Source: Museum of Architecture. Shchusev
D. F. Friedman, J. AND. Loveyko. The project is the metro station "Dzerzhinsky Square" (now the "Lubyanka"). 1934 Source: Museum of Architecture. Shchusev
Idealistic projects constructivists and rationalists meet misunderstanding Stalin. Artists and architects who worked in the 1920s, deprived of the opportunity to translate large projects. It begins search architecture that can reflect the imperial pretensions of the Soviet Union.
A short transition period lasts four years - before the rise of the Stalinist Empire style. Build schools, homes and public buildings resembling decorated constructivism or minimalist version of a European-style Art Deco.
Power substation of the Moscow metro, home Narkomtyazhprom ground subway station "Dynamo", the Military Academy. Frunze.
Architects and combining
L. IN. Rudnev D. F. Friedman, J. AND. Fomin.
How to distinguish
Military Academy. Frunze. Photo: RIA Novosti
Military Academy. Frunze. Photo: RIA Novosti
The basic shape of the building - a cube.
D. N. Chechulin. "Dinamo" metro station project in 1937 Land Pavilion. Source: Museum of Architecture. Shchusev
D. N. Chechulin. Metro Station Project "Dynamo", 1937 Land Pavilion. Source: Museum of Architecture. Shchusev
Appeal to the ancient Egyptian and ancient architecture, oriental motifs.
The "Palace of Soviets." Architects: B. M. Lofan V. G. Gelfreich V. BUT. Shuko. From the album "High-rise buildings in Moscow." Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The "Palace of Soviets." Architects: B. M. Lofan V. G. Gelfreich V. BUT. Shuko. From the album "High-rise buildings in Moscow." Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Stalin era - a time when created and embodied a new general plan of Moscow. Brochures are expanding, old buildings are being demolished, and in their place there, though of the same type, but grandiose residential and public buildings.
Stalin's empire and neo-classicism appealed to antiquity. This was manifested in the use of columns, arches and sculptural decorations. In Stalin's eclectic oriental motifs mixed with the "grand style" of past centuries: Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque.
The main motive of architectural experimentation 1930-1950-ies with the legacy of the past - the desire to join the great empires (Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia), expressed in the architecture of the grandeur and scale of construction.
Seven Stalinist skyscrapers, the main pavilion of the Exhibition Center, historic buildings and other Kutuzovsky prospectus, the building of the Moscow Hippodrome.
Architects and combining
AND. IN. Zholtovsky, LA IN. Rudnev, A. G. Mordvins.
How to distinguish
Residential building on the waterfront Tinkers. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Residential building on the waterfront Tinkers. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Complexes of buildings (ENEA) and very large-scale architectural projects.
Colonnade of the main pavilion VDNH. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Colonnade of the main pavilion VDNH. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Elements used classical architecture.
Arch of the main entrance of Gorky Park
Arch of the main entrance of Gorky Park
The basis for the building are often taken triumphal arches, a reference to the ancient Greek and Roman temples.
The sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" at the northern entrance ENEA. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" at the northern entrance ENEA. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
In sculpture and decoration traced heroic theme.
9 quarter New Cheromushek. Photo:
9 quarter New Cheromushek. Photo:
November 4, 1955 issued a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers "On elimination of excesses in design and construction." After that, in the architecture of Soviet modernism entrenched. Large-scale projects, such as the Seven Sisters, will not meet: to replace the buildings that claimed the power and greatness of the building came the era of industrial housing.
Communal, which used to be the ideal of the Soviet dormitory, called a last resort to save, and the accommodation of several families in one apartment - not a norm but a social problem. Experiments with cheap social housing on a reinforced concrete skeleton began in 1920-1930's, but were fully implemented under Khrushchev.
The same type of panel houses have become a revolution in the world of architecture: cheap and easy to build residential complexes are not erected outside the USSR on the same scale. Five- and six-storey building with small apartments were built in record time - 60 days. The first pilot area indicative of a new type was the 9th district of New Cheromushek, built in 1956-1959.
Modern home above all should be comfortable and functional. Transverse passageways in the entrances were in Soviet panel houses, but one of the outputs is always closed. In the houses of the PIC are equivalent: You can get out of the door into the yard, and you can - in the adjacent street.
To facades were not of the same type, the appearance of each house carefully thought out. The project Green Park, for example, colored houses side by side with the white buildings and the residential complex "Rimsky-Korsakov" stands out among the colorful facades of the surrounding buildings monotonous.
In public buildings, the architects continued to beat the opening of the first thirties of the XX century with decorative finds the Stalin era. Mosaics, frescoes, a variety of facing materials soften laconic and even sharp shapes. But Brutalism - branch architecture of modernism 1970-1980-ies - the severity and sharpness are emphasized as much as possible.
Pool "Chaika", Ostankino Tower, the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences, the building TASS, the Palace of Pioneers, Cultural Center "Moskvich", building on the paleontological museum "warm Stan", "House Centipede" on Running.
Architects and combining
YU. P. Platonov, A. IN. Vlasov, G. Pavlov, N. Osterman, IA Pokrovsky.
How to distinguish
Construction of entire neighborhoods types of buildings.
The building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Similar to constructivism, but it is often more elegant: wood, metal and mosaic are used directly on the facade.
ZZdanie paleontological museum. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Building paleontological museum. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Or, on the contrary, more sternly with solid walls and small windows.
Above the buildings of the Soviet Moscow worked bold architects with progressive ideas. They changed the city and built a bridge to Moscow of the XXI century - with the satellite cities, new hubs and comfortable housing economy.
Adaptive layout, panoramic windows and a living space between houses. And yes, it is available now in the comfort-class housing.
In the near future in Moscow, plans to build 120 million square meters of housing per year. Rapidly mastering new areas: industrial areas around the CIP and the new transportation hub, the territory of New Moscow and the satellite towns. Sleeping areas are converted into residential, new neighborhoods are designed to ensure that people are not only went to and from work, but also interesting to spend time with your family without having to go to the center cities. We talk about current trends in the construction, together with a group of companies PEAK.
comprehensive development
"Warsaw highway 141"
The basis of this approach to construction - the desire to create a comfortable environment for living. The basic elements of comfort thought out at the design stage to the last detail: the shop next door, schools and health clinics around the corner, a park in the courtyard, and the car - in a special guarded parking. This approach is hardly practiced in Europe due to the urban density.
Complex development of residential areas have come up before the Stalinist era. Then along the extended prospectus ensembles built houses with green yards. But all the beautiful facades and shop windows faced the street, because the public space was more important than the private. Small courtyards built up with schools, kindergartens and a garage. Now they are made to vehicles, and playgrounds are waiting for renovation.
Modern residential areas planning in view of a comfortable stay, not just outer beauty. Living, humanly organized space between buildings - the main trend of integrated development. Schools, kindergartens and infrastructure endure beyond the courts, and instead break the quiet squares, parks and playgrounds.
"Bunin meadows"
"Warsaw highway 141"
"Warsaw highway 141"
Yards of car-free and pedestrian zones
"Meshchersky forest"
"The yard without cars" - sounds like a utopia. Sidewalks crammed with cars in the yards yet the norm for Moscow. In the older parts of the dense development to solve the problem is almost impossible, but in the new complexes is sufficient to provide for the construction of car parks in the design phase of the quarter. Then you can use the whole territory between the houses to create a comfortable environment and make a yard a place to socialize and relax tenants.
Parking lots are terrestrial, multi-storey and underground. On the ground floors of multi-level parking arrange shops, hair salons and health clubs. Parking only for loading and unloading vehicles used in homes. It makes life more easy in the courts: pedestrians and cyclists can move freely on the sidewalks, and children - play safely outside areas.
To be safe pedestrian areas, courtyards limit the bandwidths used bumps and artificial gyrus on the roads. This causes the driver to reduce speed to 20-40 km / h.
Playgrounds are also changing. Innovative gaming complexes called pleyhabami. They're less like islands with a sandbox and a couple of benches. Architects use a special evening lighting, build unusual objects, inspired by nature, geometry, or technique of origami. Close to sites provide recreational areas, where residents are able to communicate, while the kids spend time in the town of rope, bungee or icy hill.
"Warsaw highway 141"
"Meshchersky forest"
"Bunin meadows"
New residential areas being built split-level houses. The alternation of high and low buildings, on the one hand, makes the building a pleasant looking and diverse, but on the other - allowing the sun to penetrate into the courtyards and apartments.
Entrances at ground level with glass doors is also used in order to make it as light can be in the lobby. The more light, the less waste of electricity. And yet this technique frees the house by steps and ramps and making it more accessible for mothers with prams, the elderly and people with disabilities. The spacious porches, you can leave the bicycle and stroller: video surveillance systems that are becoming the norm in new neighborhoods, far more efficient concierge.
"Bunin meadows"
"Bunin meadows"
"Meshchersky forest"
If you live in the house of the old housing stock, it is likely to notice that to find the bathroom, restroom or kitchen at a party you can with closed eyes. That's because in Soviet times used a limited number of planning decisions - it was cheaper and faster to build.
But now the trend in adaptive planning and tailor-made solutions, whether it's a kitchen-living room for one person or more branched layout for a large family.
When designing the apartments are arranged first necessary furniture with rosettes and only then - the walls and partitions. To housing not been accumulating unnecessary things in the basement provides individual storage. The apartments avoid useless meters: minimal area hallways, the rooms are bright and spacious, and their size corresponds to their functions.
Showroom "Rimsky-Korsakov 11"
The finished trim and large windows
The apartments are a new type can live at once, instead of doing repairs. Apartments with municipal repair appeared in the housing market for a long time, but the flooring was used most cheap, coloring wallpaper - is not universal, and interior doors had to be replaced after several years use.
Now developers offer versatile colors - light walls and floors are not restricted in the choice of design solutions. In the final finishing using high-quality modern materials: laminate, ceramic wall and floor tiles, high skirting boards and cornices. all materials have been tested in the company PIK.
Large windows without heat loss - another new trend. Thanks to modern technology of glazing area of apartments increased by 20-30%. This not only makes housing more light, but also allows you to save electricity in the warm season.
Yards without cars, raznovysotnyh home, functional layout and panoramic windows - this is not the privilege of residents of elite neighborhoods, and standards development PIK.