Training is always associated with cruelty
If you think that animals are taught exclusively by means of incentives, it is not so. Simply modern trainers say the current methods of humane because they are not compared with the absence of violence, but to the methods previously used. For example, the spokesperson of the circus on the colored Boulevard Yuri Nikulin told"Tormented by pain otgryzla currently paw" "RIA Novosti" that animal rights activists just confused hardness and cruelty.
Yuri Nikulin, representative of the press service of the circus on the colored Boulevard, the grandson of actor and clown Yuri NikulinChildren do not always behave well. And who would not say, but the parent has the right to dress down for the offense of their child, and some may even slap on the ass. Someone else will see it and say that his father hit his son. Another said that he beat him at all. And the circus: it is often confused with normal stiffness cruelty to animals.
"Someone else" is absolutely right: it is called "hit child"And supporters of education measures should be send back to the Middle Ages at the first passing DeLorean. By "education" of animals here, too many questions. Beast snatched from his usual environment and forced to do uncharacteristic things. Is not necessary, it is done purely for entertainment. And because not even matter here behaves rigidly trainer or cruel - it is still absurd. The animal does not have to teach to live in human society, it's just silly. Well, that goes taming the second way, no doubt.
Yuri Nikulin, from the book "Almost seriously"It is necessary to overcome the resistance of the animal, breaking its will and in whatever was forced to perform a particular trick. The animal must feel that a person stronger, though it sometimes ends tragically.
In his book "Almost seriously" actor and clown Yury Nikulin recalled how in trying to learn a new trick bear boy was brought to a heart attack. Animal died, because they are too scared to death. And this is not an isolated case, when the animals are suffering from the fact that they are required too much.
Honored Russian veterinarian Yevgeny Sibgatulin Baltic forum of Veterinary Medicine saidTaming how inhumane phenomenon in modern societyThat up to 70% of his practice - a treatment for injuries inflicted by the animal trainers. Sibgatulin more than 30 years he worked as a veterinarian in a circus. According to him, at the heart of taming violence lies. A man must subordinate his will animal, and this is possible only through the suppression of his will.
Eugene Sibgatulin, the report "taming how inhumane phenomenon in modern society"To teach the young tiger cub to remain in the cabinet, put it on a piece of meat. Tiger jumps up, but immediately after eating meat, rushes away. And once descends, its starting to hit with aluminum rods. And so every time: the baby on a pedestal waiting for a treat, and beyond - severe beatings. This information is recorded in the memory of the animal, and thus, it is fear that makes him remain in the cabinet. The answer to the question whether it is possible to achieve a predator clear execution of a trick, treat only one, is obvious: of course not!
Another way to make an animal submissive - hunger.
An activist of the Center for Protection of Animal Rights "Vita" Oksana Danilova got a job as a cleaner in the circus and took a hidden camera as the animals are trained.
Dolphinariums no exception. Dolphins performing tricks, do not smile - just have such a structure of the muzzle. For them it is not a light-hearted game, it is the result of applying the method of carrot and stick, with a whip there's much more.
Animals are in jail without any fault
As noted by Eugene Sibgatulin in his report, in Soviet times, the animals were treated more cruelly, as they are bought by the state. Now the trainers have to take good care of the beasts as to acquire new individual will have his own expense.
But it does not protect the animal. Mobile default zoos can not provide a comfortable environment for the animals. "Artists" are doomed to live in small cages, in which case their lives are willing to sacrifice easy.
Penza foundPenza check a message on a bus with a locked circus animals belonging to the circus bus in which no food had been locked bear, raccoon dogs, foxes, ferrets, pigeons and other animals (in a bus!). In Samara, trainers bankrupt tent thrownCircus left, bears remained: why animals die cast in Samara Bears in the cells to die without food and water. In Buryatia, killed more than 30 in a fire at a traveling circusIn Buryatia, all animals were killed in a fire at a traveling circus animals. They could have been saved, but the hostess was afraid to open the cells, since there were predators. In the Ivanovo region in the lurch threwTouring circus animals die cast in the Ivanovo region camel and donkey, which were not needed. This is by no means all cases in recent years. But many of the tragedy simply remained unknown.
If you think that this is the trouble Only tent, you're wrong. Sculptor Daniel Oksana first wentTucked away business. What is not shown by the media behind the scenes of the circus as a student, she had to do sketches of animals.
Oksana Danilova, an activist of Center for Protection of Animal Rights "Vita"I saw a bear, gone mad from the impossibility of anything like it move. This close cell size of about 1.5 to 1.5 meters. One came to the circus, we were asked to wait, because they kill the bear that attacked the trainer.
According to her, no circus animals can not create good conditions. It's always crowded and cruelty. There are exceptions, but they are few.
Yuri Nikulin, from the book "Almost seriously"When the circus bear celebrates its 10th anniversary, they usually go blind. This is due to the sudden light changes. The stable dark and brightly lit arena.
For the inhabitants of the dolphinariums to create appropriate conditions is simply impossible. these mammals in nature swim more than a hundred kilometers a day. Such enclosures suitable size and depth do not exist. Large dolphins as possible trying to make large pools, but they are not enough. However, there are many small organizations that contain animal just a tiny bath. Yes, and water quality is poor.
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Today, March 3 - World Day for Wildlife! ⠀ very sad that almost every day in the beach area in Myskhako find dead dolphins. A ⠀ on captured frames delphinarium Aleksino in a confined space splashing living dolphins. ⠀ And the question arises: where is it better? In captivity or in the wild?
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More worse things, when it comes to mobile dolphinariums. When transporting animals the question is: it is bad or very bad conditions? Because the natural habitat will not replace even a very large cage or bath.
Animals are victims of poachers
We will not falsely accuse all trainers: many animals appear quite legally. But less than honest folks on hand many of them are. For example, in the capture of some species dolphins in the cultural and educational purposes quota issuedOn approval of the list of species of aquatic biological resources, in relation of which the total allowable catch. And we are talking about adults. But the animals are moved their families, and catch their network, so the number of trapped animals is difficult to control. Just as it is impossible to ensure that the mother had not been shared with the cubs. Dolphins - social creatures, and separation from his family a lot of stress for them. Large enough that they can not survive.
In addition, the dolphinariums are mysteriously animalsDolphinarium of the Kuban seized three Red Book dolphinsWhich are listed as endangered and capture of which is prohibited. Poaching - a profitable businessIn the Kuban brought the case to the Red Book dealers dolphinsWhich will exist as long as there is a demand. And demand creates Visitors dolphinariums.
Savagery begets new cruelty
Circus, where people show amazing tricks, shows how many possibilities in the human body and how strong the human will. Artists overcome fear, Train hard to show their art. Teach children the circus with animals?
Catherine, mother of many childrenChildren realize the cruelty of what is happening sooner than I, and we stopped going on in this place. He led the children to the theater Durov, and we all sat in some awkward condition. Whether because of the guy who whipped a thick, barely vlezshego hippo on a stand, or because of a hippopotamus. Monkeys, bears - terribly sorry and it was awkward for everyone. And once more all for themselves. We travel around a lot of reserves, we look at the life of the animals in the thematic programs. And generally unnoticed, that we do not go to the circus. Probably because we so always somewhere to go.
If you starve and beat with a stick, you also learn to show stunts. But in a decent society is condemned and prosecuted. No praise your abuser for his courage and talent for training, if you do something unnatural. But to exploit animals so it seems normal.
Moreover, it begins to seem that cruelty has allowed the line, so to get amazing results.
Christine, mother of many childrenNational Geographic look better once again. What can we say, our children often do not know how the chicken and the cow alive look, and we give them the elephants and bears want to show.
From point of view education much more useful to see the baby animals in their natural habitat, to tell you how they behave, how they interact. Violence and there will be a snap. But the lion kills the antelope because he wants to have. Man is slowly killing the animal, to what? To entertain?
Deal with cruelty to animals can be different. One effective way - to stop paying for it. Share this text to as many people realize that support bullying that sell under the guise of entertainment, you can not.
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