How to make yourself work
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Such a lazy mood can visit you, not only at work but also at home - because of him you You continue to sit in a dirty apartment, staring at the screen, and instead of cooking yourself a healthy meal dumplings.
So, to then suggest you six ways not to rake the debris at work and at home to force myself to do something right now, not in a distant tomorrow.
1. Cleaning - especially
Maybe on your desk reigns perfect order, but during the day on it still appears trash: paper, documents, notepads and pens, cups of coffee. The first thing to do when you feel stuck in a job - get out on the table.
Discarded things distract you, even if you do not realize, and the cleaning process helps clarify thoughts. The house is the same. If you can not bring yourself to do something, start with a clean: wash the dishes, make the bed, take out the garbage - usually a single action is enough to start the process, and you will no longer sit on the sofa until you have done all that necessary.
2. Start with small cases
Usually advised to the contrary - to start with the most difficult and complex projects, so they are not hanging stone at heart, but we have the same then an emergency situation and a sharp decline in productivity, so that complicated things just make you more prokrastinirovat stronger.
Specify a few minor problems and put a tick in front of the list of cases. For example: "get out on the desktop" and "sketch plan for the day." When you see that something is done, the mood improves and you can take on more complex cases. Light objectives will serve as a warm-up for you, but do not get carried away: two or three tasks fairly, and the whole day will be engaged in nonsense.
3. Choose one task
So you've warmed up, the main thing now - to save the result. To social networking and entertainment sites again dragged you to cut down them, remove everything that does not apply to work or your primary task.
Select one problem to be solved right now, write it on a piece of paper and glue on a laptop. Make it so that she was in sight, and start to perform. When you're done, write the following and do not be distracted for anything more in the process.
4. change place
Your workplace steeped in melancholy and nonproductiveNext chat colleagues, for example, Friday. Try to change the place, such as a laptop and take off into another room or go for a walk on the street (Taking into account the weather, it is possible and in the corridor), at this time considering how and what you will do in the remainder of time.
This home also helps: just go for a walk, for example, buy yourself something in a nearby store, and return home with a prepared plan of action.
5. Set a timer
You decide what you will do - and now give yourself a timer for 15 minutes and at this time to immerse themselves in the matter. Only a quarter of an hour, then you can be distracted again (this should promise yourself when you set a timer).
You'd be surprised how much you can make in 15 minutes of concentration, even if your business really takes three hours or three days. When you see a wake inspiration and the work will go.
6. The glass is always half full
However small, whatever you do that day or the previous, try to keep positive attitude. See what you could, and promised myself that tomorrow will do even more, or better, make a plan that will be all that is necessary to overcome tomorrow.
That's it, I hope tips will help you win a sudden laziness at work or at home.
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