7 signs that you take on more than you can perform
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Everyone in the office knows that if you ask for something to finish after work, you are bound to take up the case. But at home you do not have time to replace a light bulb in the bathroom and your dog walks itself. This means that either you are not working properly, or take on too much. Honest answers to 7 questions will help you determine what the problem is - in your laziness or too many cases? It is better to understand that you can not chew a piece, which is bitten off, and just spit it out than to continue diligently and hard to chew.
Let's start with the most simple. But remember that you need to answer honestly. Lying is wrong, and lying to yourself - even more so.
1. You do not have time for personal projects and just do?
Accumulated a stack of books that you had planned to read, already covered with a pile of dust or in your electronic reader rapidly running out of space, but there is a book and read - the first sign of shortage of free time. The same applies to cases that are of interest to you, but to hand them either do not reach or reach very rare. If you have a head or an interesting project you remember that it was a good idea to evening bike ride in the park, write it down. And then a week later review your records and then you will become clear exactly how much you miss and do not have time.
2. You feel exhausted?
It's not exactly clear sign, as a state of constant fatigue is very common. But if you feel tired during the day, after dinner, you are constantly drawn to sleep, and on weekends you just hibernate - this is a signal. Maybe that way you paved for all the hours of work, which was done before going to sleep and store the work ahead. But it is terribly boring and no good will not.
Take a good look at your work schedule. There allocated time for something cheerful or easy just to set the mood? If not, be sure to write anything of what you like. For example, walking the dog, playing with the kids or reading a book in a cafe.
3. Do you have problems sleeping?
If you have a second sign - constant fatigue, hence the sleep problems are also present. Since this sweet couple will always appear together. Your mind is constantly going on data processing, because you, like your computer, never sleep and always connected. But if your computer can do a complete reset of the system and it will work like new, then reboot the human brain, we are not yet available.
Write down in your list of mandatory cases point to walk and complete relaxation before bedtime. Your mind must be pristine when you go to bed, or hello, insomnia and other problems that go behind her trailer.
4. Your meal schedule is constantly changing?
More precisely, you have no timetable because you eat only when you have the time for it. But there is less and less often and not very suitable for this lesson time. In this regard, there are not only problems with digestion, but also with obesity.
How accurately and on time wrote on Twitter a friend of mine:
So try to avoid indiscriminate eating and stick to more or less normal schedule, in which there is breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The best part split meals than once and on all day.
5. You feel constant irritation and explodes on trifles?
Scandal on any occasion, and even explosive reaction to such a trifle as the absence of sugar in the sugar bowl is also one of the signs that you are taking on too much. They yell at a child for the fact that he poured water? Put a check mark in front of the fifth item in the list.
6. Do you have problems concentrating?
Now is the time multi-tasking, so that this point will be difficult to isolate and identify. But if you feel as if he were in the center of the vortex of the problems and is unable to focus at be on one, your thoughts jump from one thing to another and back again - then it's time to think about and this. You have too much to do that you need to do, and your memory is simply not enough for you to remember it all.
Try to build the priority tasks and proceed to the next step only if completely finished with the previous one.
7. There were problems with memory?
If you have managed to agree on a time of three meetings with different people, so welcome to the seventh paragraph of the signs of our list. This situation is very real, and I personally know people who have managed to appoint three meetings at the same time. The situation is, shall we say, not very pleasant. The same applies to the performance of tasks assigned to you at work. Of course, you all write, but sometimes you forget to make a new business or a meeting in your schedule as distracted by new business. Family meals are imposed on business meetings and important assignments and remain unfulfilled. The result of all this is very sad, and nothing good, except for nervous breakdowns and family scandals, has not yet resulted.
Stop, take a deep breath, hold your breath, count to three, exhale and open your eyes - it's time to give his life in order.