5 rules of conduct at work, which can be broken
Work And Study Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Many people think they know the path to career success: Put your head down and work without rest. Avoid personal, emotional, or not very convenient conversations. And yet some of these rules should be revised. About them in this article.
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Many people think they know the path to career success: Put your head down and work without rest. Avoid personal, emotional, or not very convenient conversations. And yet some of these rules should be revised. About them in this article.
1. Does not affect on the emotional themes
On the problems always have to say, even if it seems that it does not apply to the workflow or not accepted to talk about it. Suppose you have a colleague radically different styles of work, or you are experiencing due to the project. Because of such a confrontation could seriously affected the overall performance. Talk directly with a colleague: "I think that you contested my every word and action. What I upset you? "This talk will avoid even more stress situation.
2. We must strive to move up the career ladder
It seems the usual and proper that man should strive higher and higher up the career ladder, earn more money, have a solid job title. But not everyone wants to take on the burden of power and responsibility. And it is absolutely normal if you do not want to improve. If you like your profession, the more happiness you bring a professional, so-called "horizontal" growth. In this case, you will be even more interesting to the employer, as a person who has a wealth of experience in their profession.
3. Do only that for which you were hired
The head of the company is always looking at the work of the organization as a whole. If you are not a leader, but are sick of your company, you will also be useful to look at the big picture, to understand the work system. Perhaps you can offer something that is not even out of their region, which will improve the performance of the company. It is important to keep a delicate balance between relief and so when you walk on the heads of colleagues. But if you have the best of intentions, you can always say: "I see room for improvement, why not use them?"
4. You need to spend the day and spend the night at the office
Yes, for many their work - a passion of a lifetime. And more important it is to spend time not only in the office but also outside it. This is useful, and to improve the general state of mind, and for work. It is often the most fresh and amazing ideas visit the man when he goes for a walk, the master of something in the garage or planting flowers in his garden. Hobbies gives a sense of peace, it helps to relax. And in these very moments in a bright mind appears address operational problems that have you pondered in vain at his desk.
5. Dating in the real world is always more useful
Of course, the methods of tying useful contacts for each different type of activity. It is believed that the best way - to attend conferences, cocktail parties and other similar events that are close to your work area, and there meet different people. Well, it is an effective method, but now useful and productive to tie online dating service. Find the person you want, in social networks. Subscribe to his Twitter to ask him questions, in general tie relationships online, and after that you may be able to invite him to lunch or a cup of coffee. And this knowledge will be much more useful than a bunch of business cards in your wallet.
Do you agree with this list and add to it if you can? We'd love to hear your opinion in the comments.