11 Simple Rules for a productive working day
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
We often have to perform many different tasks and placed in a short time. At the same time the working day freelancers and full-time employees who work remotely, on a flexible schedule or ROWE system, combined with personal interests, hobbies and leisure. How to make the time productive? Here are 11 simple rules that will help you with this.
1. Unsubscribe from all lists that do not have critical importance for you. The smaller the letters fall to you in the "Inbox" folder, the less effort you will spend on mail filtering, and the less will be distracted by emails, 80% of whom you do not come in handy.
2. If the email does not require a specific response or action, just delete it. Typically zero inbox (empty folder "Inbox" in the course of the day) - one of the best motivators to work. Your e-mail must be a kind of a list of tasks and affairs, and not dump unnecessary or irrelevant information.
3. During the use of one program rather than several at once. You do not use the social network? Close your browser to Facebook and other social programs. You have finished answering letters? Close the e-mail client or a window with a web-interface. Close the browser after finishing work with the site. close
text editorBy writing an offer. Let dozens of windows is not hanging in the background. The pursuit of multitasking only distract you and, ultimately, does not allow to complete any of the cases initiated.4. Turn off all notifications. These tooltips from calendars, planners, address, social networks, chat only distract you from the case. Operate at least a couple of hours in the digital silence, and then respond to comments and huskies.
5. Break up your workday on small pieces. The optimal interval for the job - 35-40 minutes. Between these intervals, you should wait, drive, drink coffee, read, sleep, drink water, look out the window - go do anything. Spend 10-15 minutes, and so get back to work.
6. If you get stuck and not moving work, go away from the office or from your desk for a laptop. Select a walk, breathe air, eat, meditate, just listen to music and look at the city. Get back to work only with a clear head.
7. Turn off the TV, give up cable or set the Auto timer for your TV, so it was switched off one hour after the viewing. There are dozens of useful and interesting classes, from which you refuse, just staring at a set of promotional and informational images on a large screen.
8. Try to write down briefly what you ate during the day and how to feel after that. You might not suspect, but certain foods and dishes can make you drowsy, energetic, nervous, depressed, happy or completely disrupt the ability to concentrate. Identify those foods from which you become sluggish, sleepy or lethargic, and avoid their consumption. Also review the ratio of fresh fruits and vegetables and other foods in the daily diet.
9. Reduce the number of friends on social networks and subscriptions. Remove people from friends, the value of communication with which is questionable or unclear to you. It's nothing personal, but you should focus on the contacts only with those who have a personal and professional value to you, and do not chase the number of my friends and subscriptions.
10. Most of the work, try to do in a relatively short period of time, when you feel that you are at the peak of opportunities and inspiration. Each such condition happens at different times of day, but it is, and it should be used. For the period of peak activity, disconnect the phone, do not reply to letters and messages, cancel meetings and negotiations, and just works.
11. Turn off all notifications from everyone social networks. You think it's really so important to know who and when you signed up or how many left comments on your photos? These notifications are not just distracting, but also clutter up your mailbox.
And remember: employment and feeling that you are like a squirrel in a wheel, it is not equal to the concept of "productive work". You can puff and sit up late at work and still did not have time. Or you can do less, but better and more productively. Even simple rules, if followed, can provide significant productivity gains just a few days in this mode.