Licorize: manage bookmarks, notes, Evernote, tweets from Instapaper articles and other information in the style of GTD
Productivity Web Services / / December 23, 2019
Every day we receive a lot of information from different sources. This data stream, we select important and interesting for us, and a study found information or postpone for the future, that is - to make bookmarks.
In this case, I mean not only a bookmark in the browser, or social services bukmarkinga (eg, Delicious), but also the notes in Evernote, and other electronic notepads, selected tweets on Twitter, marked by records in the RSS-reader, materials for deferred reading applications (for example, Instapaper, Read It Later) and t. D.
Doing this in the broadest sense of the word "Share", we hope that in the future it will be possible to read the deferred materials, but in reality often turns out we do not have neither the time nor the desire - and laying lie dormant and in full mess.
Put them on the shelves, to adjust their management style in GTD and organically fit into the workflow assimilation of this information will help you a comfortable, beautiful and stylish web service Licorize.
Licorize allows you to organize data types, tags, projects and dates of various input information: browser bookmarks and bukmarkinga services; web pages saved with Licorize bookmarklets in browsers on your computer, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch; Notes Evernote, stored in a public notebook; update Twitter and LinkedIn statuses; Materials stored by the Instapaper and Read It Later; recording of RSS-channels; individual entries from Google Reader; Dropbox files and folders.
In addition, you can create tasks, notes, contacts and other types directly within Licorize, and also involve working on projects of friends or colleagues and form a beautiful public online magazines based on your content.
Incoming Information Management in the style of Getting Things Done
Before turning to the study of specific functions Licorize, consider how the service is implemented the principles of GTD.
I assume that you, dear readers, are already familiar with the methodology of David Allen's Getting Things Done, but still today will be very useful to refresh its algorithm in the memory:
A source: Blog Ivan Begtin
In Licorize possible to establish a process inbound information processing according to this algorithm.
In the first stage are collected inbox three simple and effective methods described in the next section of this article. As conceived in the GTD, during the day, you can quickly collect all incoming materials into a single place, and then on a regular basis - for example, once a week - to sort them.
For the execution of the weekly ritual of sorting Licorize provided Weekly review (Weekly) - a special Service section, in which you can quickly view the saved week inbox and assign them to the types of tags, projects, dates etc.
The answer to the question, "What is this?" From the second block of the algorithm involves the assignment of a certain type of data incoming pieces of information: tab, tasks, notes, idea, etc.
Next, you have to answer the question, "With this you can do something?". If you do not know what to do with the incoming element right now, then you have three options.
1) to remove it - metaphorically speaking, to send to the basket;
2) to delay the future, i.e., add to the list "When anything is possible" (in Licorize such element must be assigned somedayMaybe tag);
3) send to the archive (for example, add the Archive tag).
If the input element is valuable and requires an action, you wonder, "What's the next action?".
The action, which requires only a few minutes, it is better to perform immediately, otherwise these problems will be accumulated and the total amount will be overwhelming.
If actions need more time, then it can be deferred for a specific date, set the deadline approaches, or mark it for him to execution immediately, giving it, for example, a tag with a well-known acronym ASAP (As soon as possible - to make as much as possible rather).
Licorize supports collaboration with other people, so if necessary, action can be delegated to a colleague by selecting from a list of the responsible person.
The GTD is also provided the use of projects - tasks that require more than one action, and a few steps. To manage in Licorize can combine different elements into projects.
Here it should be noted that the creation of projects and collaborate with colleagues in Licorize only available for premium accounts. However, for individual use is quite optimal free accounts.
Import data from external Web services and applications
Licorize is based on the idea of combining the information flows from various web services and applications in a single chronological tape so-called "strips" (from the English. strip - strip, strip). As mentioned above, the external information is sent to the Licorize in three main ways.
The process first. Data entry using the bookmarklet
You can use the bookmarklets for browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera to quickly add in new Licorize strips based on the current web page.
You can specify the type of strip produced (tab, challenge, idea, notes, etc.), fill in the form, the content of which It depends on the type of label strip tags, to determine that it belongs to a particular project and install the person in charge.
For iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch offers a simple bookmarklet in the form of a script stored as a bookmark in Safari mobile.
Method two. Import bookmarks from browsers, bukmarkinga services and tools deferred reading
Browsers bukmarkingovye services and tools such deferred read as Instapaper, allow you to export these bookmarks are stored in a file in HTML format. You can download this file in Licorize, and bookmarks will be converted into strips.
Licorize can also receive data from the deferred reading service Read It Later. To do this, Licorize settings must enable regular automatic import unread bookmarks from this service.
The third way. Linking Licorize with Twitter, LinkedIn, Evernote, Google Reader, Dropbox and RSS-channels
In the Licorize settings on the Connections tab, you can enable or disable the connection to the service Twitter, LinkedIn, Evernote, Dropbox and RSS-channels.
When activated, Twitter and LinkedIn all your public tweets and LinkedIn updates the status will be imported in the tape strips Licorize with automatic assignment of data type Status update.
Communication with Evernote involves the transfer of notes from your notebook in public Licorize. Each Strip, was created on the basis of a note is assigned a type called Evernote.
After connecting to the Licorize Dropbox will be able to create strips such as Dropbox, containing links to files or folder in this service.
In the future, when you click on the header of the strip will open a window through which you can download files from specified in the strip Dropbox folder, upload to a specified folder the files that are stored on your hard disk, create a new folder in Dropbox, delete selected files.
Licorize also supports import updates from RSS-channels. You must specify in the settings of links to feeds. RSS-imported entries are converted into strips with assigned type Bookmark.
Integration with Google Reader is done by adding to each post in the Reader option Send to Licorize. Instructions for using the Reader somehow hidden away in the depths of Licorize site, so we present them here.
To add an option, go to Reader settings tab on the Send To (Send), click Create a custom link (Create a custom link) and fill out the form.
In the Name field (Name) enter the name of the service. In the URL link: url = $ {url} & title = $ {title}
In the Icon URL (URL icon) link on the icon with the logo Licorize:
After clicking on the Save (Save) Send to Licorize option will be available at the bottom of each post in Google Reader. When you select this option you will be taken to Licorize site, where you can create a strip based on the post of Reader to the type Bookmark. Title post and link to its original will be automatically registered in the fields created by the strip.
Control strips
We looked at three ways to import information into Licorize. However, the strips can be created manually - there is a special form that appears when you click on the button Add strip (Add strip).
In the upper left corner of the form is a square button, clicking on which you can select the type of data generated by the strip.
Set form fields depend on the selected data type.
All strips - created on the basis of import or manually - are located in the general chronological tape. When you hover the mouse pointer over the Strip Strip float controls to switch to edit mode, to fix a strip at the top of the tape, clone it, delete, etc.
The strips are arranged in data types, tags, dates, and - to the premium accounts - project. Licorize offers a set of pre-defined types, you can not create your own types. Streep, created on the basis of imports from Licorize connected to third-party services, types are assigned automatically.
In a separate section, Work week (working week), you can look over on the same page all the strips distributed over the days of the week.
As mentioned above, there is a section Licorize Weekly review (Weekly Review). It is designed to clean up the strips accumulated over a week and have not yet sorted.
When you first open this section surprise dark gray translucent balls, purpose of which is not obvious.
Having started to indiscriminately strips, you will discover the secret of these balls: after processing each strip disappears one of the balls, and so on until the end of the review. That's the way the developers decided to bring elements of the game in regular strips sorting process.
Sorting involves editing the properties of each strip: determining a data type, the addition of tags, binding to project, etc.
Additional features of service
Integration with Apture
Apture displays the pop-up window of the search results on the Internet for the selected on the web page of the text fragment. Remaining on the current page, you get more information on a subject of interest to you: articles, videos and images. You can install a browser extension - and Apture will work on every web page you are viewing. If you have a website, you can embed a special code, so that your visitors use Apture, - and then they will have less reason to leave your site.
After switching on the integration with Apture in Licorize settings, this handy tool contextual search will be available when viewing strips.
Export data from Licorize
Data accumulated in Licorize, can be exported for backup or transfer to other applications. In addition to export all the data also may be saved in the form of spreadsheets in XLS format data filtered by certain types of tags and projects.
Licorize buttons that are placed on sites
Developers offer plug-in for WordPress. It is designed to add WordPress-blog service button to each post so that your visitors can quickly and easily maintain their interesting posts in my Licorize.
Working with Licorize like game with awards for productivity
In Licorize recorded activity and effectiveness of your work with the incoming information, and you are involved in the overall ranking of users of the service. You can earn points, badges, medals and strive for new heights of productivity.
Premium accounts and their ability to
Combining strips in the projects, collaborate with colleagues and the creation of projects based on public online journals available on a paid account, the cost is $ 5 per month or $ 49 per year. When a certain number of colleagues who have to work with the service within the account, receive a discount.
Non-profit organizations can obtain updated premium account for one year free of charge. If you're an experienced blogger and publish an overview of Licorize, then you will be awarded two free license for one year. Also, there is a contest the most beautiful online magazine, becoming the winner of which you will be able to run on premium-free account without limitation in time.
When you create a new free account, you get two months of gratuitous use of premium service capabilities. At the end of this period by projects and online magazines are at your disposal.
Projects and collaboration with colleagues
Projects - is essentially a list of strips. They are designed to streamline the strips, the implementation of multi-path projects GTD principles, etc.
To work on the project can attract colleagues by sending them an invitation by e-mail through the project editor.
Licorize also allows you to import contacts from Google Contacts, and then quickly and easily - by drag-and-drop - invite them to Licorize, add to an existing project, or create the appropriate contacts within Licorize.
Visitor online magazines
Each project can be marked as public. Its contents will be available as an online brochure, which can go for a direct link everyone - including those who do not have an account in Licorize.
Booklets resemble paper magazines. Licorize also allows to determine the appearance of the online magazine by editing the CSS code (cascading style sheets typically used for web pages).
As I mentioned above, Licorize regularly contest the most beautiful online magazine, the winners of which are awarded free premium accounts.
Licorize may be for you very useful information management tool that you collect on a daily basis to refer to it in the future. This service is convenient, it does not create unnecessary burdens when dealing with information, but rather makes the process easier and more enjoyable.
With Licorize you accumulate information from different sources in a single center, organize it and convert bookmarks, tweets, notes and other data tasks.
It solves the problem of chaotic accumulation of bookmarks and deferred materials to successfully integrate processing and assimilation of information stored in the usual for you personally to the project management process and tasks.
Perhaps, Licorize not fit all - in fact our approach to managing information and tasks are usually very individually (not by chance that we dwell for years in search of the ideal electronic task manager and notebooks).
However, even if you do not become a customer Licorize, I hope that this article will give you some idea about how to use GTD for management input information or inspired to search for new methods effective work with heterogeneous data and ways to improve personal productivity.