NutshellMail: optimize work with e-mail alerts Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace
Productivity Web Services / / December 23, 2019
Every day we create content on the network, and perceive retranslate content coming from other people. Often, this information exchange process takes so much time that displaces the important things.
In addition, traces of Internet activity appear in our mailboxes in the form of notification of new messages, new followers, etc. As a result, the inbox is overloaded it «bacn» (read as Eng. bacon [ 'beɪkən]; It is a cross between spam and the desired mail - various notifications, news to which we have voluntarily signed up and are now just annoying, filling the mailbox).
And then we are faced with the problem of increasing personal productivity, can not withstand the onslaught of the tsunami of information.
Using the service, combining into a single interface several means of communication (e-mail, Twitter, social Networks) and - very importantly - to follow a certain schedule view of new developments in them can give a tangible the effect.
But how to deal with "bacn'a" flows, among which the valuable correspondence is lost visually? Yes, e-mail filtering means, for example, in Gmail, - a powerful tool for managing your inbox. However, this is not a panacea, because the accumulation of huge amounts of "bacon" will continue, albeit with automatic assignment of labels.
So, the first thing we need - to get updates from social networks and web services in a specially reserved for this time; and the second - not to overload the mail notification of these updates. a little reflection, we come to the conclusion that it would be convenient if all the fragmented and highly fragmented information about our Internet activity someone drove for us in the detailed reports provided us with the desired regularity.
It was such a hard-working and reliable assistant can become NutshellMail. This free service provides monitoring Twitter account updates, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Ning (platform for creating social networks), and sends the reports to your email address.
And it's not just the reports are interactive! You can post new messages and tweets, responding to his interlocutors and to perform all basic operations without visiting the relevant sites. By the way, so you can bypass corporate restrictions on access to your favorite services which the authorities considered it a waste of working time;)
To get started, register their accounts in NutshellMail and specify exactly which updates you want to receive in the form of a visual digest. Here, for example, configure monitoring Twitter microblog:
As you can see, there is even a section of New Quitters, which lists those who have otfollovil.
This Facebook settings:
Next, determine the schedule of receiving reports by days of the week, time and time zone.
Done. Now, at a given time detailed interactive reports will regularly come to your inbox. A quick glance through the contents of the report, to quickly get up to speed. For example, the report looks like on Facebook:
NutshellMail can be a very handy tool for active email users who are looking for new ways to improve personal productivity.
This service helps to work out best for you Internet activity mode to minimize time spent on maintenance of accounts supported in web services and social networks, as well as the release of your mail from a huge number of annoying notifications events.