8 tips for those who want to use social networks only with the benefit of themselves
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
"Social networking - this evil," "Social networks - is the main absorber of time," "In social networks youth only wasting wasting their strength," - it is only three of the most common (and alas - often fair) statements about social media and how Facebook and VKontakte affect our a life. The most radical bloggers generally advised to remove their accounts from all the social networks, preach "escapism vice versa" and calling for a switch to the offline reality. But for work and personal reasons, I, for one, do not want to turn into a "digital hermit." How can I be and whether you can change the situation and turn the "time-killer" into a source of profit for himself? I recently asked this question by analyzing, how to organize the relationship work, live and online communicationsAnd that's 8 rules that for the next 100 days, I want to try myself to use sotsservisov and invite all readers of "Layfhakera" to do the same.
Rules for those who want to learn from social networks favor instead of "killing time":
- Create lists of pages and filter content. The Council, which is suitable for users of Twitter and Facebook (in VKontakte while this is not possible). In general news feed and status "falls," all in a row: you had the imprudence "zalaykat" / "zafollovit" some page or brand? All he will now periodically and then "pop up" in your news section. Of course, you can go into the settings and clean the list of a couple of hundreds / thousands of brands, companies, publications, people, celebrities, music groups and blogs that you have at least once visited and clicked on the "Like" button / "Subscribe". But instead much easier to share all of the pages on the topics, the language settings, country, type of content, the importance for you - individually and view the most important of these lists once a day.
- Follow only what really interests you. While Facebook was "young and fresh" we "laykali" everything. At a time when even the cement plants for some reason, acquire their own pages, it makes sense to pay attention to what exactly is "you and another 20 users like it."
- Install the plug-in, which limits your use of social networks during the day. Blocking access to the "time killers" will focus on the work. If you do not want to use this plug-in, try to at least the "rule of 4 hours" about which I wrote earlier.
- Place your order in their lists of "friends". All these couple of hundred people - who are you? So whether you important friends classmate friend of a friend with whom you are 2 times in life crossed on someone's party? Do you still keep in friends her ex-boyfriend? A colleague of the first in the life of the work with which you are communicating from 2007 - seriously, this person worthy to new photos of his dog / girlfriend / salad appeared in your newswire later 5 years?! You're picky in terms of social relationships and dating in real life - so why do you have such a mess in the online world?
- Divide the types of content across social networks. The news, try to go to Twitter, for personal experiences and opinions of friends - to Facebook, for visual notes and impressions - in Instagram, the interesting infographics - to Pinterest.
- Use thematic groups and hashtags to find and use the information you need. In the Ukrainian segment of Facebook, for example, there are groups and pages for residents individual areas of Kiev; in the Russian segment - specialized interest groups and spheres of activity (for example, interested in advertising in the new media may apply in "Communication on the Internet"And those who want to raise funds for their own projects - in group "Russian on KickstarterĀ»).
- Use services aggregators to collect content from different sites. To learn which services are suitable for this purpose, you can read in one of my previous posts on the "Layfhakere".
- Spend a weekend without any social networks. This, by the way - one of the good ways find inspiration in the real worldAnd not constantly digging in the network. Disconnect from the digital stream and pay attention to the living, not the beautiful avatars on the laptop screen or tablet.