"Paper" forms of planning with David Seah
Work And Study Productivity / / December 23, 2019
We have already talked about paper planning methods, and even the specific of their implementation - the forms invented by David Seah. But not all, as it turned out, were able to assess their merits and today I will talk about one of them dedicated to operational planning.
Shape, as you can see, it is divided into three sections, each of which serves a specific purpose.
The first - a schedule that allows you to book a time to meet, and for the work that you have to perform. Meeting, of course, should be reserved in advance, but make time for cases, I would recommend you promptly. As you can see, you have to set the clock itself is right, when you consider that some of us consider themselves owls.
The second section - the actual scheduling section. In it you will write down all the work that you are going to do today, ie, the main tasks on the day, and David offers time tracking in fifteen minute intervals, I also believe optimal. When you record things you should notice a pipe that length of time that you are going to spend on this task. And at the end - to paint the actual number pyatnadtsatiminutok, and even record the exact time. It is necessary for you, as feedback to improve planning in the future.
The third section is used to record the things that occur to you during the day and were not planned. Task in both sections are numbered, so you can use it at a number of reservations of time, for example. Outstanding tasks are analyzed at the time of review of the implementation and planning the next day. And some of them fall into the mandatory list of cases in the second section, some will go to your general to-do, with no specific date, but others may be lost, because they lose their relevance. There will, of course, and those that you do if you have time after the main task.
All in all, looks simple and clear, but I am ready to answer questions, if you still something not clear.
Example (immediately apologize for writing):