Kaizen: 5 Japanese principles of success
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
The Japanese are always consistent. They considered honorary bring it to perfection. Even if you're a janitor, do not complain about his fate, and grinds his skills. The Japanese do not change the place of work in search of the perfect, they can realize their dreams into reality anywhere. The thing in the approach. And he called kaizen.
Why not learn from the Japanese and not try their management method? We have adapted information so that you can apply the knowledge and outside the office.
Kaydzen- Japanese philosophy, Which focuses on the continuous improvement of living processes.
The basis of the method consists of five key elements, five or S:
- Seiri - Careful,
- Seiton - order
- Seiso - purity,
- Seiketsu - standardizing,
- Shitsuke - discipline.
After the Second World War thanks to this practice, many Japanese companies, including Toyota, was able to quickly recover and catch up on the lost power.
If you decide to apply the five principles of kaizen work, then these items should take their pride
a place right in front of your nose and hang in there as long as it will form the basis of your activity.1. Sorting
What's stopping you to be more efficient? Make a list. Principle is that everyone should do their job exclusively. Any part can be reduced, such as checking email and paper routine. Something delegate. In some firms made to sales staff themselves calculated the cost of services billed and accounted for contracts. Although this business accounting.
Sometimes it seems that if you make it yourself, will it's better. Not really. Think about what simple changes you can make in your workflow. As the ocean is made of drops, and global changes start small.
2. about organization
After you drop all unnecessary, optimize the process of work, having built a business in the correct order. It would be good if you at least the first week will keep something like a work diary. Keep a record of completed tasks, time, duration, priority.
As a result, it may be that the most important things you spend less total time, and routine eats the most. Plan important at the time, when your productivity at its peak.
3. Cleaning
After the end of a working day do not forget to bring the workplace in order. Find things much easier when everything is where it should. cleaning It should be done not only on the desktop, but also in the head. For this purpose it is necessary to highlight a few minutes to look at the diary, to sum up, add notes and... forget about business when out of the office yourself threshold. Because the next morning you have to come to work with a clear head.
4. systematization
Once you get rid of affairs, the implementation of which is not part of your duties, have built workflow and laid everything on the shelves, it is time to make this system. Every morning you have to follow this scheme. You will soon see results.
5. Practice
When you run the first four points, you are building a new way of working. Stick to the intended path and not fall back to the old habits.
Analyze their activities, making adjustments to the process. This way you will constantly improve its working methods. This is the right path, because the goal of kaizen - continuous improvement.
A life
Kaizen principle is suitable for any field. For example, you want to start a healthy lifestyle.
1. Accuracy
Highlight for half an hour, when you will have no distractions. Sit down, divide the piece of paper in half and write in one column all that's stopping you, and the second is what helps.
2. order
Make schedule, Which includes all useful: walk at lunch, nordic walking in the park, cycling. Also you can just make a list of those things that you have to pay attention. For example, form a phase-out schedule of junk food and inclusion in the diet of healthy foods. It should be done gradually, otherwise the body will rebel, requiring a dose of simple carbohydrates, to which he was accustomed.
3. Purity
Maintain cleanliness is very important, no matter what goals you may set for themselves. In the cluttered room a person loses the right attitude. In addition, the cleaning can be converted into a preparatory stage of physical activity. Or make it a meditative process where you need to concentrate solely on physical activities and completely clear your head of thoughts.
4. standardizing
And now it's time to turn all the changes to the system. Just stick to the schedule, and it will be the basis of your lifestyle.
5. Discipline
Take care of yourself and get rid of the craving for old habits. at first healthy lifestyle It is not easy: there are so many temptations that keep hard. Perfection, finding new ways to make your reality better.
see also
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