Zeigarnik effect will complete all tasks
Work And Study Productivity / / December 23, 2019
You ever been through this before, that you completely forget the job as soon as it is made? And yet it is not finished, can not permanently throw him out of my head, even if you are working on something else? This effect was first seen by a psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik, and named in her honor Zeigarnik effect. Most interesting is that this psychological feature can be used at work to keep pace with longer and perform tasks better.
Blum Zeigarnik
Psychologist, founder of abnormal psychology in the USSR, one of the founders of the Faculty of Psychology. Zeigarnik is the author of more than a hundred books on psychology and psychopathology, personally written or co-authored, owner Kurt Lewin Award and the Lomonosov Prize of I degree.
During his stay in the restaurant, Zeigarnik noted that the waiters remember complex combinations of food, Visitors who ordered, but once the food was provided on the table, that knowledge immediately disappeared from their memory. Pending orders as if stuck in the memory as long as there have not been met.
Intrigued by this effect, Zeigarnik conducted experiments in his laboratory. The subjects had to perform several different tasks. During the experiment, participants are not allowed to complete some of these tasks, justifying it by the fact that not enough time. After the experiment, the subjects were asked which of the tasks they were remembered.
It turned out that the participants in 90% of cases it is better to memorize the tasks that they were not allowed to finish. In other words, the essence of this effect lies in the fact that outstanding tasks are sitting firmly in your head, and you will automatically continue to think about them.
If you look around, it becomes clear that Zeigarnik effect can be found almost everywhere. He constantly used the media and advertising, for example, to tie people to the TV series.
But there it is a positive side - this feature can be used to do more and concentrate better at work.
How to apply effects Zeigarnik
Since the unfinished tasks become obsessive thoughts for us, for the productivity of the work can be used periods of concentration, multitasking and avoid distractions.
When you complete a task, there is a sense of calm about it. If you are performing multiple tasks at one time, the brain simply can not fully focus on any of them, because thoughts will return periodically to all unfinished business.
Good news for procrastinators
If you have regular problems with the implementation of plans, Zeigarnik effect will help you complete them. The main thing - to start, but there is a psychological feature will not let you forget about reality and initiated just throw it.
But how to get yourself started? It depends on situation. If you're planning a big project and continually put it off because of the fear of the volume of work, we should not be taken for the most complex parts. Start with the fact that it seems quite manageable and easy. And then you just can not forget about the project and bring it to the end.
Expected reward and effect Zeigarnik
However, this effect does not always work, and those who have standard working 8-10 hours a day, will not be able to use it with a high probability. Why is this so?
Study Mississippi University, conducted in 2006, showed that Zeigarnik effect ceases to work if the person expects a reward. The experiment involved two groups, which are also working on a project, as well as in the experiment Zeigarnik. In this process interrupted before the job was completed. But the first group was told that they will be paid for their participation in the study, and the second group of awards is not promised.
As a result, 86% of participants who do not know about the payment, chose to go back to jobs after they were interrupted, while, among the pending payment to the problem, only 58% returned after the break. When the study was completed and the participants received the award, they saw no reason to go back to jobs. In addition, participants expect to pay less than the time spent on the job, even if returned to him.
If we apply the findings of this study to the normal working day, which lasts 8 hours turns bleak picture. Ends of the day acts as an interrupt during the experiment when 8 watch ends, the job is delayed until the next day. A charge is in a time but not for completed tasks, operates as expected reward.
Research shows that the reward effect can reduce Zeigarnik, and the expectation of a reward in the form of wages, reduces interest in the task itself. In other words, thanks to the award, 8-hour working day It makes us not think about work.