What to write in Twitter: 101 advice on how to properly use Twitter
Productivity Web Services / / December 23, 2019
Despite the fact that social networks and other social services are firmly in our lives, use them for good, and not harm do not know how much more. Ranging from the silly photos on social networks, available to view each (photos in Vkontakte drunken police sergeant in embrace with a bottle of vodka look particularly exotic), ending falling asleep tweets with the slightest details of his private life. What to write on Twitter, so as not to clog the virtual space, and stop quickly scan information.
Of course, this is all mainly concerns beginners, all of which are unusual and all I want to try. Especially to see the reaction of large masses of people - it's so interesting. A few tips on how to use Twitter for their own purposes and for work (business development, marketing and SEO), absolutely will not be superfluous.
Following the tips below do not necessarily immediately lead you to success. But they carry the basic rules of conduct (banal courtesy and caution) in the network.
The fact that the word can hurt much more than a fist, we all remember. But somehow, just forget about it, getting into the network. And if earlier, many trolls anonymously (under pseudonyms), but now the ability to comment without additional registration through simple connection to the Facebook and Twitter makes you forget about security and the people continue to write nonsense, but under real names.
You do not need to be reminded that Internet remembers everything? Option "that written with a pen, do not cut down with an ax, and" works here on all 200%. Therefore, we separate the personal from the desktop and start to earn both reputation and money.
In order to make it easier and faster to understand all 101 Council, divide them into several categories.
General tips on how to use Twitter
Increased level of complexity
The high level of complexity
Examples of use Twitter
Social networks
SEO / Marketing
Underwater rocks
Twitter etiquette
Reliability and safety
The individual items in each category and are working on their own.
1. Use your avatar.
2. Customize your page on Twitter.
3. Briefly describe your bio about who you are, what you do and your interests.
4. Be brief.
5. Shorten links.
6. Write to Twitter every day, but not every hour.
7. Answer, do retweets.
8. Tell others not only about what you eat.
9. Add a link to your blog (or your LinkedIn profile).
10. Folovte not more than 1000 people, if you read only a 5.
Increased level of complexity
1. Use applications for Firefox (for example, Echofon).
2. Sign up for my tweets via RSS.
3. Select URL sokraschatel that you like the most.
4. Use hashtags #.
5. Publish your tweets with important things 4 times a day for 4 different time zones.
6. Create Twitter Landing Page.
7. Monitor tweets important to you keywords (Twilert etc.).
8. Ask questions.
9. Use Twitter on your mobile phone.
10. Add to tweet pictures (TwitPic, imgur etc.).
The high level of complexity
1. Use desktop applications TweetDeck or Seesmic.
2. Use a custom URL sokraschatel with your own URL (bit.ly offers a similar free).
3. Sign up for your best friends tweets via RSS.
4. Use CRM social apps to keep all of your Twitter contacts (cotweet).
5. Not every scribe Tweets to Facebook or other social network.
Social networks
1. Folovte not all in a row.
2. Folovte people that interest you.
3. Not folovte bots and RSS-mashups.
4. Mix tweets with links, @ replies, and "what is happening now."
5. Retvitte your friends.
6. Retvitte positions of scarce resources, and not only a primary total flow.
7. Do not abuse the ether, Twitter - it's not TV or radio.
8. Practical #followfriday.
9. Spread memes.
10. Folovte those who meet you, retweets or notes in their tweets.
11. Start a conversation with phrases such as: I wonder how much people... etc.
12. Arrange a meeting tvitteryan real place (park, coffee shop, going to the movies).
1. Do not replace the posts tweets to blogs.
2. Add the Twitter button on your blog.
3. Display your tweets on the sidebar.
4. Add a badge «follow me» in your blog.
5. Announce your best posts on Twitter.
6. Add the shape of your responses to the column @twittername.
7. Engage crowdsourcing (Crowdsource).
8. Tvitte if your plane crashes.
9. Mentions in his blog on Twitter.
10. Write to Twitter on your blog.
1. Write tweets as a single person, not just on our behalf.
2. Offer discounts to its foloverov.
3. First announced in Twitter special offer or promotion.
4. Make gifts.
5. Answer dissatisfied customers.
6. Set a social media policy for your company.
7. Watch out for mentions of your brand.
8. Create your Twitter team.
9. Be careful and make a complaint to @usernames, who use nicknames associated with the name of your company or brand.
10. Use Twitter for corporate applications such as Hootsuite.
Marketing and SEO
1. Tvitte links to interesting content related to your industry.
2. Add yourself to the Twitter directories (Twellow).
3. Add your Twitter (@username) to your website.
4. Add your Twitter on your business cards.
5. Use Twitter Analyst (Tweetreach).
6. Create Google Analitic campaign for your Twitter.
7. Use a lot of hashtags (#).
8. Use keywords in your names to Twitter (@username).
9. Folovte all, if you can.
10. Go to the dedicated server or cloud hosting service for tracking the peak of activity on Twitter.
11. Use «RT: @ source 'at the end of each tweet using the« via ».
12. Use shout in «OMG» style, «WTF», «FAIL», etc. (Russian-speaking Twitterers happy to use these exclamations, especially WTF and OMG, LOL sometimes gets in this list).
13. Use the numbers in the headlines.
14. Use hot news.
15. Use avatars sexy.
16. Refer to the known and experienced users of Twitter.
17. Ask people fouls you and explain why it would be interesting for them.
18. Use funny nicknames.
19. Wear a funny hat.
20. Make people happy.
Twitter etiquette
1. Not folovte (or cease to follow) for one person several times.
2. Do not send messages to people you do not foul - they can not answer you.
3. Do not swear at Twitter.
4. Not folovte automatically based only on name.
5. After the third in Twitter response better to switch to communicating in the direct mail, Skype, e-mail, etc.
6. Do not expect to get an answer, if blame on others as angry thunder blue.
7. More than once tvitte only very important information.
8. Tvitte not one and the same information multiple times.
9. Do not put your work with Twitter to full automatic.
10. Before you post a tweet, read it again.
11. Do not offer your site every time someone mentions you and your goods (services).
12. Do not use sokraschateli URL, which cut the basic essence of the message.
13. Do not try to sell something on Twitter.
14. Disclose partner links with [aff] or [ad].
Reliability and safety
1. Not tvitte with links of scam even as a question, "This scam ?!». You immediately banned.
2. Never tvitte e-mail address! Spam-bots are on the alert and actively collect them.
3. Never tvitte about his plans for the holiday dates or periods. Thieves can track them.
4. Tvitte not while you're driving.
5. Refrain from complaints about your partners, customers and the company.
6. In countries such as China, for example, is best tweets anonymously.
7. Do not use your Twitter password to Google services or online banking.
8. Tvitte not about where you are now.
9. Do not Post to Twitter personal photos of your children.
10. Tvitte only about those things that you would be able to say on television.
And very briefly about the general picture of tweets:
1/3 responses
1/3 retweets and links
1/3 tweets on the theme "what I do"
I can only add that you should always be careful in the network, whether it's Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte, LiveJournal or your personal blog. Sometimes we relax and let down our guard or anger veiled as the eyes and the mind. Once upon a time (when Twitter was not yet) one friend was fired on the same day that he wrote an angry post addressed to the company in which he worked. Exactly 20 minutes after the publication of the post in LJ department ran Director. Exodus - dismissal and, after all, the correction of deficiencies, which received a complaint. The moral - if very angry, write a letter, and then daring, but not published in share for everyone to see.
And remember that all your records will still remain, even if they visually no one else sees. You do not just throw in the fray in person at work, with friends or in a shop? Usually you are considering (at least partially) and only then speak. The network gives us a feeling of permissiveness and impunity. The times when it was possible to write anything anonymously and without prejudice to his reputation and his work are long gone. You are being followed, millions of eyes;)