Paint a task list in Outlook: how not to get lost in TODO
Work And Study Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Not all of you are enjoying the Outlook, and those who do not use, the article is unlikely that something will give. Moreover, I will not reveal anything, what would you do if you want might not find themselves in 5-10 minutes. However, I still find it helpful to talk about some methods, make it easier to navigate in the list of tasks that arise in front of me every day.
As is known, striking attracts also easier to see large. By using these properties of our "vision" and reduces the present council. I suggest that you often use automatic formatting available to you on the list, along with the installation of the priority tasks.
Thus, in the initial treatment of (letters in Inbox-e, for example), I do not only apply the basic rules of the GTD, but also exhibit two attribute - priority and due date. Even if data = No Date.
Why am I doing this? In order to make it easier to plan. I have highlighted a few often used View (Now leave aside the calendar, where it is scheduled a day) that allow me to see the list of tasks for a week, month or the entire year.
In this case, the problem does not seem banal list:
As you can see, the important objectives are highlighted in color and font size. Yes, some will find irregular size not quite aesthetically pleasing, but agree that it is allocated the task draw attention in the first place, and if you notice the problem, marked as unimportant? Not immediately, I think.
How is it done? Go to the menu:
dialog appears. Here you can see that you need to select the command:
Then you can customize the look
and the conditions under which this appearance should be used:
I note that I am using another "trick" when working on the list for a month and a week: in the list of tasks for a week sorted ascending date, and for a month - in reverse order. Why so? That on the first screen without scrolling to see distant objects and do not forget about them. Most likely, the tasks that are at the bottom of the list are already included in the list for a week and I have them, and so I see. Small backspin and helps me easier to see what's next.