Wood goals: set goals on mind
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
objectives tree - one quite common planning methods. Nothing too complicated or excessive it does not have, it is a reflection of the general principles of planning, such as decomposition.
Why wood? Because we are building a hierarchy of goals and get a tree growing down. That is the main, or how else it is called, - "general" goal of becoming a tree trunk in which the "flock" sub-goals, which are, in general, the elements obtained as a result of decomposition.
That is, you can not build a house without land, plan and materials (I exaggerate). The plan can not be without a model project, its approval at the main architect, estimates... And so on each item.
A similar approach can be seen when looking at the fish-bone diagram, and it usually reflects a "twig" of our tree and is used to analyze a specific problem or challenge.
The hierarchy implies a level, and here you can define that for you shall mean each of the levels. For example, you can use the old term "planning horizon" and drop it to determine the five-year, quarter, month... well, you understand.
Do you need to build a tree of goals? Yes, I find it very useful. Even if you do not want to deepen and build a detailed plan for the distant prospect, sketched a sketch, you will get a valuable tool for the analysis of the importance of problems that arise in front of you. If the problem is clearly not cling to any of the branches of your tree - think carefully, perhaps it should be ignored. Or should reconsider its tree that speaks about changing your outlook. The task that manage to raise more than one sprig - candidates for early and maximize quality performance, because they bring you closer to your goal.