Paper-back or thinking about scheduling
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
There are people, and more recently I have - the same who think that a calendar that you can not reshape a thousand times a day - no good. Here I am not very fond of paper calendars, and believed that they - not only a waste of paper, but also the loss of my time, because rewrite something in this calendar at least difficult, and sometimes nevozmzhno. But e - cool, look how easy I move the mouse case for another day ...
However, plunged once again into the abyss of cases related to the end of the year, financial and other planning, I realized that it is now planning and my own time is necessary, vital. And as news of affairs and liabilities at the time was great I could not help has become more picky, and I suddenly realized that If a business or an appointment you can easily throw on the calendar here and there, it just is not necessary initially to put. If I do not need to do business at this time - why should I place the matter in the calendar? Burn it must, of course, but its execution - a matter of time.
It turns out that the saying "Do not do today what you can do tomorrow"Is not just an excuse for lazy people, but also an indication lean master of his time: take care of the day, do not waste it on trivia. Make important.
What are the implications for themselves personally, I took away from this experience?
- paper hard-copy calendar - well, the paper does not break the connection to the server and does not sit battery, excellent backup
- placed on the calendar you need something that really needs to be done at this time, the rest should not be on the calendar (even in the form of tasks with due-date)
- you have to respect our plans and no fuss. If a you I do not respect them, who in this busy world, they regard the person?
Scheduling - good technique, especially for employment. But we must remember that the plan need only important, and the day and time you need to choose correctly - do not delay the unpleasant, but should be done. If you set the date / time for everything - you neibezhno encounter with the need to transport problems, and it relaxes and the subconscious will not keep promises, because you yourself will not flog?
Delaying unimportant cases - the path to happiness. Perhaps - only incidentally.