Why productive people always find time for training
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
One of the rules of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey described, it sounds like this: "Sharpen the saw". People who always manage all know this principle, therefore, always allocate a few minutes for morning exercises. Understand how it works, and join the team productive.
Sven and Jack - loggers. One day, Jack decided to bet one of them will fall down more trees in a single day. Sven could not accept the challenge. The rules are simple: Each person picks up the saw and went into the forest to cut down as much as possible by the end of the day. Loser whole week preparing meals winner.
When the whistle opened a competition day, Jack took a saw and got down to business. Sven decided to go the other way. He did not hurry to the first tree, and pulls out a tool, leaning back against the tree stump and 45 minutes sharpens chainsawBy processing a few hundred teeth.
Other lumberjacks sneer: "What did you spend so much time?! Get ready to try the cap cook! "
But Sven knows what to do. He was confident that the 45 minutes that appear to be a waste of time, it will bring dividends in the form of productive work.
When Sven begins to nag, Jack had knocked a few trees, but managed to get tired. Work with a blunt instrument exhausted him, Jack is slowing. And Sven at this time brings down a tree for a tree. His razor-sharp saw makes working with almost no effort.
By noon, exhausted, hunched with fatigue Jack out of the game. Sven overtakes it continues to cut into the evening and at the end of the day proudly looks at the results. He was not even out of breath.
Sven started with sharpening the saw instead rush to the trees, for the same reason that the most successful and productive people in the world start their day with a morning jog.Do you want to be productive? Sharpen the saw - go to the gym.
Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson said that, despite the incredibly busy, they run in the morning, slowly go to work immediately after waking up. Why do they prioritize in case of lack of time? Try to get to "stellar" sports team? Nothing like this. They run because physical activity helps them to be on top.
Try it yourself. Tyler TervurenRunner, who overcame a marathon on every continent (yes, in the circumstances of Antarctica, too), started training six years ago. As he recalls, after lunch every day he badly wanted to sleep. Judging by the popularity of coffee and energy, he is not alone.
But just a few weeks after the start of daily workouts, he noticed a change: thoughts become clearer, it has more energy. Complex problems solved more easily, work accelerated, fatigue is no longer came in the middle of the day. The only thing that could unsettle - too busy lunch (from which the athlete quickly abandoned).
Tyler, as Sven-woodcutter learned sharpening tool - to increase productivity and charged with energy to work with the help of jogging.
The effectiveness of the method is confirmed not only by personal experience stars and athletes. Only in 2014 was conducted three randomized controlled research about this theme. We studied the effect of aerobic exercise on people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Tests have shown that even light load provides a burst of energy. Furthermore, studies conducted in mice, showThat exercise can slow down the aging brain.
So, if you want to recharge and bleeding brain, follow the advice of researchers and go on training. Every day to take a few moments to sharpen the saw. If you think that there is no time, remember that it is actually quite the opposite.