- single-task scheduler
Productivity Web Services / / December 23, 2019
In Task Manager, we do not feel the lack. A lot of them, they all develop and acquire new functions. project among them is mansion, it features austerity and minimalism. Nothing extra.
Service managed to fit all on one web page. On the left is a menu, all of the remaining space given over to the task.
In the menu - three filters: Inbox, Today and Next. The Inbox is stored unsorted tasks, Today - and overdue tasks that are scheduled for today, in the Next - on the following days. Below are the projects. You can change the name of any project, its icon, move or delete it and add a new project or subproject.
Tasks can include subtasks with almost unlimited nesting. Each task can determine the term of performance of up to a day. Scheduled tasks can be dragged changing their order or hierarchy. You can also drag and drop tasks from one project to another.
In no tags, notifications, complex relationships, the integration of social networks and other popular nowadays bloat. To some this may seem a disadvantage to someone, on the contrary, a plus. | Web Service
TodoToday for | google Play, is free