Purchase these 8 habits, and your life will change for the better
Productivity Inspiration / / December 23, 2019
This article can not only read, but also listen. If you prefer - turn on a podcast.
Thomas Oppong
Entrepreneur, blogger.
1. Spend the first hour of the day for important tasks
To do this, you need to understand what you want to accomplish for the day. So you can take immediately behind the most important thing.
Do not start the day with a fine work that bears no value, does not help to move towards long-term goals. For example, to parse the mail and notifications. They take time and distract from the important. Engage them after doing basic tasks.
Starting the morning with an important, you get the state of flux. After that it will be easier to deal with other matters.
2. Perform one case at a time
Not surprisingly, difficult for us to concentrate on something one, if we are constantly distracted notifications and messages. According toThe Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed ββand Stress Scientists, on the restoration of attention after a fine distraction takes about 23 minutes on average.
If you constantly switch from one to another, the results have fallen markedly.
So forget about the multi-tasking, do one thing at a time. To concentrate better, add to all points of its list of cases a time limit and try to stay within it.
Try to do Pomodoro technique. Work on a problem about half an hour, then do a five-minute break and then go back to business or start a new one.
3. Never stop learning
Think of any famous scientist, entrepreneur or a historical figure - they are constantly engaged in self-education. Take their example and regularly Learn something new. And no matter where you will learn some object: in the university classroom or by yourself, sitting in your favorite coffee shop. The main thing that you had a sincere interest.
Not necessarily devote a lot of time. Find the window in his schedule and learn what you're wondering. Try to do this regularly. Look for as much as possible sources for the memories. Read books and articles, watch videos, sign up for online courses. Drop in to the sites where people share their opinions.
- 10 applications that you can learn something new every day
4. Develop lateral thinking
Usually we think vertically: go step by step, analyze, based on the facts and common approaches. As a result, we get one expected result. Lateral thinking is a challenge to established methods, commits a foul, integrates different possibilities and gives a lot of results.
According to Shane Snow, author books "Turboeffekt. How to achieve extreme success for the unrealistically short period of time, "lateral thinking involves looking at the problem from an unexpected quarter. I realize this will not work if again and again to do the same thing. Putting more effort can still not reach the goal. You need to change the usual approach. This helps lateral thinking.
5. Spend at least 5 minutes a day to consciously
Those who regularly trains awareness, celebrateMindfulness meditation-related pain relief: Evidence for unique brain mechanisms in the regulation of pain reduction of pain and stress. studies confirmDispositional Mindfulness Co-Varies with Smaller Amygdala and Caudate Volumes in Community AdultsThat such exercise change the brain. On MRI scans shows that the amygdala, responsible for the emotional reaction decreases slightly in size. And the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making and control, is sealed.
to develop awarenessNot necessarily to meditate for half an hour. Just as often as possible, pay attention to what is happening around you. Try to notice if lost in his thoughts and feelings, and return to the present.
When we cease to dwell on the past and worry about the future, we are beginning to appreciate the little things and see opportunities, which have not been paying attention.
Through conscious even five minutes a day, you gradually become calmer respond to events, it is better to make decisions and interact with others.
6. Read every day
Reading It causes the brain to work, trains him in the same way as physical activity pumps the body. It develops thinking, taught to notice the connections between phenomena and draw conclusions. Conducts through time, space and history, introduces new ideas, feelings and knowledge.
The brain during reading can be compared to a symphony orchestra. Its different departments interact to understand the text, as well as musical instruments sound together to create a single song.
In contrast to the viewing and listening information, reading requires large expenditures of the brain, which means that in the end does more good. It gives time to think, to process data and present described. An additional bonus: the daily reading slowsLife-span cognitive activity, neuropathologic burden, and cognitive aging age-related cognitive impairment.
Challenge yourselfπ
- How to read 100 books a year
7. Meet with other worldviews
We unconsciously seek and information on notice that what is already know something. this cognitive bias It protects our existing order, but does not give to look wider. It is therefore important to look for other points of view, not like yours. In addition, it is a great source for new ideas.
Be interested in other cultures and languages, a device other industries. Do not dismiss the opinion of others, be open for discussion. Read that usually ignore. In all, try to find something informative. Without a sincere interest in you will learn from the machine and there is little to learn. To be interested, chat with people from unfamiliar to you scope. Find something to do, go do something together, read about those who has achieved a lot in this endeavor.
8. Distracted from everyday life
If you feel that you are stuck in any area, make break. Think about where you come, continuing to move in the same way. Evaluate whether you have made. Sometimes it is a change of scenery and to escape from the usual routine. For example, a little walk. Movement and fresh air will help to find new ideas.
Occasionally it is useful to turn off notification, and to be alone with him.
Sit in silence, without being distracted by the phone and other devices. Relax and think about what is not enough time. Cut off from the outside world and draw energy inside.
And do not forget to charge positive. Move, try a new one. Look comedy, paint with, play. Relax, podurachtes, let yourself be free. It energize.
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see alsoπ§
- 23 morning habits that energized the whole day
- Why daily habits is more important than setting goals
- Unusual method to start a new habit and not to abandon them