7 ways to organize productive work break
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
If after the break, you still feel tired, lost and unproductive, then you rest properly. Use these tips to breaks go in your favor.
1. Take a break every 52 minutes
We often have to contend with their own habits, killing productivity. For example, with the desire to check social networks, rather than do the work. To do this, you need a whole day to stay focused and train your willpower. But to work effectively you need a good rest.
Time management techniques, such as PomodoroIt suggests the division of working time on the active work and breaks. Such workers 'races', interspersed with rest, really increase productivity. However, how much time should pass between them?
According to the Pomodoro technique to do a 5-minute break after 25 minutes of operation, and after four such approaches need to arrange a longer stay. But the creators of the Internet service DeskTime by numerous studies revealedThe secret of the 10% most productive people? Breaking! completely different number.
They found that the most productive employees divide their time as follows: 52 minutes of focused work and 17 minutes of rest.
The efficiency of this technique is due to several reasons:
- Knowing that soon there will come a break, you work more focused and purposeful.
- If you work hard longer than 52 minutes, it can lead to a loss of efficiency.
- Sit still for eight hours a day is harmful to health. Regular physical activity during the working day has a positive effect on both the health and the ability to concentrate.
2. switch account
Research shows: all the forces trying to focus on something, we make it worse. psychology professor at the University of Illinois found Alejandro LlerasBrief diversions vastly improve focus, researchers find.That at a constant concentration on one particular thought our brain ceases to perceive it.
Instead of constantly beating on the problem, you need to periodically distracted from these thoughts. Switch their attention to something else. During the break, it is desirable to perform several tasks to completely forget about the job. After that, you go back to solving problems with new strength.
3. Get out into the fresh air
Many spend their days in offices. However, even a few minutes a day spent outside the walls of the room, can positively affect the health and performance.
studies showMental Health & Function.That exposure to nature can help in the fight against fatigue. Exposure to the sun and fresh air increasesHow the World Around You Shapes Your Thoughts and Actions. productivity and improves the quality of sleep. scientists have discoveredExposure to Natural Light Improves Workplace Performance.That the staff, most of the day working in natural light, sleep at night about 46 minutes longer than those who rarely sees the sunlight during the day.
If you can not leave the room and walk in the break time, surround yourself with the natural elements. For example, put on your desktop pots plants.
4. Eat foods that are useful for the brain
When we are hungry, is produced in the gastrointestinal tract of the hormone ghrelin signal neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the brain that the body's energy levels dropped and the body needs food. NPY is located in the hypothalamus - a brain area that is responsible for memory, emotions, and feelings of hunger, thirst and fatigue. It neuropeptide Y resembles the body that it is time to refresh and boost energy levels.
Food supplies the body with glucose, which is the fuel for the brain. Stable blood glucose levels - '25 If the level is not reduced, the brain is working normally.
It would seem necessary to get these 25 g can be eating a nutritional bar, a banana or a carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, rice or pasta. However, scientists have foundBrain Food: How to Eat Smart.That quickly raise blood glucose levels, and is also capable of protein foods. Protein serves as a source of energy for our body. In addition, this nutrient improves cognitive abilities and stores the higher level for a longer period than other macronutrients.
To the brain working at full capacity, include in your diet foods high in protein. During a break, you can eat a piece of chicken, beef, fish, nuts or a protein bar.
5. Do exercises for the eyes
Eyes are experiencing a huge load. Many people spend on the computer for 6-9 hours a day, although the eyes get tired after a couple of hours of such work. That's why it's important to take breaks and keep your eyes on the monitor.
Every 20 minutes for 20 seconds looking at an object that is at a distance of about six meters away from you. This simple exercise will help you keep vision.
The lighting in the room should match the brightness to the brightness of your computer screen. The monitor should be anti-glare, especially if the table is by the window. It is important to organize your workspace so that you feel comfortable to be there.
6. limber up
Physical activity energizes, relieves fatigue and improves productivity. Scientists from the University of São Paulo foundInfluence of Acute High-Intensity Aerobic Interval Exercise Bout on Selective Attention and Short-Term Memory Tasks.That just 10 minutes of exercising is enough to improve memory and concentration.
If you can not make exercises, Even just walk around during the break. A simple walk is also able to refresh your memory and boost creativityGive Your Ideas Some Legs: The Positive Effect of Walking on Creative Thinking..
7. Sit down and release your thoughts
Simple idleness during work break is also bearing fruit. according to a studyWandering Minds: The Default Network and Stimulus-Independent Thought., The liberation of thought and wool-gathering similar to meditation.
When we cease to focus on something, and omits to activate a network of passive mode of brain function. At this time, resting prefrontal cortex - a department that is responsible for many functions: memory, cognitive abilities, logic and problem solving.
Completely disconnected from the concerns of working, you will be able to come to the decisions of long-standing issues. Often it is in an idle state and wool-gathering come breakthrough ideas.