20 habits that are killing our productivity
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Everything still have time, but not you. Familiar? Blame harmless at first glance, a habit that is slowly but surely reduce our productivity. Do you want to wisely spend every minute of life and to keep up as much as possible? Here is a list that is by no means impossible to do.
1. Distracted by all successively
can not escape from the extraneous stimuli, but who ever said that we need to pay attention to them? If you call, write or knock on the door, it does not mean that you should immediately give up everything than you at this moment engaged. For everything that is not related to work tasks, there are breaks.
2. Do not have goals
Turn your dreams in a very specific and clearly formulated goals. As long as you do not, they will remain day-dreams, the impossible which can occasionally be nice sigh.
3. Have too many goals
On the other hand, do not need to plan for more than you actually can accomplish. It will still not be able to devote enough attention to each task, so it is a risk that this venture will go to pieces. And then, we are in fact more important than quantity, and quality, right?
4. Prokrastinirovat
The longer we put off something, the less likely it will ever with this face it. Just believe me: Finally do better and rejoice, than once again to throw it in the closet and indulge in this regard suffering.
5. Replace the real life TV
If the vicissitudes of life heroes series and reality shows you care about more than what happens with friends and family, it's time to change something.
6. Forget about regular meals
Yes, sometimes it is a blockage, there is no time even for a snack, not to mention a complete meal. That's just the adrenal glands do not understand until we give up food for the benefit of other cases, they are working for wear, consuming energy balances. Sooner or later it will certainly end burnout.
7. Do not follow the spending
People whose financial affairs in disarray, the chances of a normal life there is absolutely no. Control of income and expenses according to the degree of significance is comparable to the care of health, so do not neglect all this bookkeeping.
8. Spend time on other people's problems
The only person who fully controls your life - is you. Your time - this is a great value, so you should treat it with respect.
9. Not record important
Taking notes helps us not to drown in the flow of what we should or want to do. Plus it's a great way to relieve the brain for better concentration.
10. Do not have a daily routine
No, it is not about strict hourly mode. Refers morning and evening rituals: they set the tone for the whole day, and become a reliable point of support.
11. Work without interruption
Your body and mind need to rest - that is a fact, not subject to discussion. As soon feel tired, just take a break. Much better to take a break and gather my thoughts than soon remain without any force.
12. Multitask
Several cases in parallel - bad idea: Load a lot, but the result of the whole thing will be so-so. Each task - the time. This approach not only frees the head, but also gives a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.
13. Postpone chores for later
What's the point in a tense work, if because of it did not have time for a life? In most hellish rush job, make sure that at least the minimum resolved domestic issues: the bills are paid, dishes washed, and wash clothes. In short, your home should not be turned into a visual demonstration of how hard lives of its owner.
14. Undertake too much
Ambition or excitement gain the upper hand over you and make immediately grasp at every new idea? Let's try to briefly postpone it. Think carefully evaluate existing commitments and decide whether it is necessary to take up the case.
15. Strive for perfection
Oh yes, the infamous, the mythical perfection. And because we know that it simply does not exist in nature, but for some reason, over and over again, and always strive to do everything perfectly. A great way to occupy the time that can be spent on more useful things.
16. To give up the decision-making
Complex solutions are not just so-called complex. But if you do not make a choice, it must be done for you, and not the fact that you will like the result.
17. Get unwanted
Disorder in the head suppresses even more than most huge mountains of rubbish around. Save one rule: one email, one settlement and one cumulative score. Limit the flow of incoming information: one has only to unsubscribe from unnecessary dispatches as soon as will be time for the important things.
18. Neglect their health
All our ambitions and aspirations have not the slightest sense when we run out of power. Eat a healthy diet, Exercise regularly and most importantly - at all costs provide yourself required daily sleep rate.
19. Throw something halfway
Divide each task into smaller steps. This approach will help to cope with even the most seemingly overwhelming things. Iron rule: the last 10% of the work is always taken away 90% of the power, so bear this in mind when planning.
20. Do not admit mistakes
Denial of guilt, or even more so shifting it to someone does not improve our lives, as well as does not help in achieving the objectives. Error - this is always a lesson. Understand it and move on.