To increase productivity, generate anti-to-do-lists
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
What is anti-to-do-list
The idea is to keep more than one list, as we all used to do, but two. The anti-to-do-list need to bring the case made for the day. In other words, the list of achievements.
It is very motivating technique, because you see how much you have completed for the day. Even if these cases were not on your list of tasks.
In the to-do-list you made to be crossed out of the case. And anti-to-do-list you bring all the things that make an extra, in addition to the planned affairs.
By the end of the week you will find that it was not so unproductive as it might seem from the task list in which several items and left nezachorknutymi.
Why is it increases productivity
During the day we have to do much more work than the amount which is indicated in our to-do-list. Sometimes they take a long time, so we did not have time to make a previously scheduled business. At the end of the day we look at the list of outstanding cases and disappointed in myself.
Tasks of the to-do-list, we think through in advance. It is undoubtedly very useful to achieve the goal: making a clear plan for the day, we have to prioritize. But recording their achievements, we further motivate themselves to perform tasks and new achievements.
Even if your schedule is just a couple of problems by looking at your anti-to-do-list, you will realize that day has not passed in vain.
In addition, a list of records of your progress. It can help you keep track of which healthy habits you appeared. Over time, this could turn into a kind of gambling game in which you compete with yourself.