How to group tasks that still have time
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Everyone has long known that multitasking is not such a good thing: it does not allow us to effectively focus on something one.
The thing is that switching from one task to another takes a long time - it is supported by researchMultitasking: Switching costs. People work most effectively, entering the state flow: Fully focusing on one session without being distracted to anything else.
Unfortunately, to catch the flow turns out not always, because we are constantly inundated with a bunch of different things that require our attention. However, there is one technique that allows to minimize the waste of time and energy to switch between the different activities. It is called "group", or "bundling" tasks (task batching).
The essence of this method are as follows: you combine the same type of problem in the so-called packets, and then perform them in a crowd. It's simple.
Why is it helpful to group tasks
Do things randomly easiest way: do not have to bathe with the planning, prioritization and other boring for. You remembered something - and they did it. And then moved on to the next task.
That's just such an approach is not very good for your ability focus. according to a studyThe True Cost Of Multi-TaskingPublished in the journal Psychology Today, a person loses up to 40% of its capacity when you switch between unrelated tasks.
In other words, if you first write a report, and then you begin to respond to emails, and then parse the paper documents, as After returning back to the report, each time losing time trying to concentrate on the new job, does not seem to previous. Tom DeMarco, author of the book "Human factor: successful projects and teams"Asserts that such a" gear change "takes up to 15 minutes, or even more.
Batch grouping tasks makes it easier to move from one activity to another. The more similar your objectives, the better, finishing one, to take up the next.
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How to use batch processing tasks
1. Create a to-do list
First of all, write down what you intend to do in a simple list, line by line. You can do this on paper or use multiple applications to manage tasks. The main thing - to fix everything. Ideal devote every day (or at least once a week) a little planning time.
2. Divide the tasks into categories
Now that the list is ready, break all the elements into categories. They may be different - choose what you want. The main thing is to be comfortable and intuitive.
For instance, you type "Respond to emails" problems or "Call colleagues" in the section "negotiations" and "Write an article" and "make changes" in the section "Text". Create separate category for household chores, work tasks, shopping and so on. Guided in such an ordered list will be easier.
Another option - to collect tasks in packages to where they should be implemented. For example, link all the purchases to the location of the "Supermarket" and working the case for "Office" and so on. Thus, if find yourself near the store, you will be able to look at your list and see at a glance all the purchases you need.
3. Block time
Batch processing of tasks works well in conjunction with the so-called method blocking time. Once broken to pieces on the list of categories, select each of them under a certain time of the day. And add the corresponding block to his calendar. For one time only unit engaged in the affairs of the same category, and ignore the others.
Another option - to bind to the Packaging Task popular technique Pomodoro. 25 minutes, you are doing, without being distracted from the tasks of the package. Then rest 5 minutes. Then repeat the cycle with another group of cases.
4. Consider your peak productivity
Define the time of day when you are most productive. For most people this morning, but there are night owls, which is easier to focus in the dark. Find your peak productivity and try to perform tasks of the priority categories accounted for it.
- How to find the time to make the highest productivity and the right schedule
5. Eliminate distractions
When the proceeds to the next group of tasks, make sure that you do not accidentally disturb notice or phone call. You can select a specific time to check the smartphone. As long as you do tasks from one category, do not worry about the rest.
What tasks can be assembled into groups
In fact, in general, any. Scott Young, a writer, a programmer, an entrepreneur and a big fan of the batch processing tasks, resulting in20 Tips for Batching to Save Time and Cut Stress a few examples:
- Email. Tim Ferriss, author of "How to work 4 hours a week"Sometimes receives 300 e-mails per hour. And in spite of this volume, he answers them only once a day specially set aside time just for this.
- Reading. Read something in between times is almost useless, because you still remember little. It is better to determine for yourself when you prefer to receive the information carefully, and make the time to read.
- Phone calls. Write down the names of people who you need to call and their phone numbers in one list. Then call all the candidates from the list at once. Firstly, you will not be distracted by phone conversations once again. Second, you will be able to choose the time of day when people are least busy and can talk to you.
- Recreation and entertainment. Transfer all the entertainment - movies, computer games, walking - at the end of the day. It smotiviruet you to quickly finish the work, and it will be easier to relax, knowing that all things today already converted.
- Shopping trip. Before you leave the house, gather into a pile of all things, shopping and errands and perform them in one go. For example, you can visit the supermarket, post office and dry cleaners at the same time. It saves not only time, but also gasoline.
- Correspondence in social networks. Take an hour in the evening to chat on the Internet. And the rest of the time keep customers notices of social networks is disabled.
- Cooking food. Most likely, you constantly do not have enough time to cook something every day. Fortunately, civilization has given us such a unit as a microwave oven. Highlight of the day 1-2 to ready meals the next week, and then just reheat it.
- Repairs. Get together and finally make all those little chores that have been waiting in the wings. Replace burned out light bulbs, repair the door handle and a dripping faucet.
- Reflections. You always think you are trying to plan something, to solve some problems, but it does not work for you? Scott Young advises even such a thing as thinking, engaged in a strictly defined time. Acquire the habit every week to plan for 2-3 hours, than you take on and what goals you want to achieve.
Oh, and if it comes to that, preparation of packages of tasks - is also a challenge. Therefore allocates special time, preferably in the evening, to distribute the items on your list tomorrow.
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