6 ways to remain productive by working in a flexible schedule
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
At first glance it may seem that the work in a flexible schedule - the ultimate dream. But in fact, unpredictable schedule often results in stress'I felt vulnerable': freelancers on the stress of self-employment, The disappearance of the boundaries between life and work and sleepless nights. It requires high skills of self-discipline and self-organization. It is easy to confirm freelancers udalonschiki, private practices and people involved in project work.
It is therefore very important to make adequate for you to schedule and to find life hacking, to help feel calm and confident. Here are some ideas how to do it.
1. Tack and switch
But do it in an intelligent. Work in multitasking mode looks very tempting, but in reality it does not increase productivity, but rather only drains you.
Trying to quickly switch from one case to another, we are just wasting our time and effort. After you've distracted - for example, a new notification - you need an average ofThis Is Nuts: It Takes Nearly 30 Minutes to Refocus After You Get Distracted 23 minutes to concentrate again on the same matter.
Yet the task switching can be used effectively, and that's when it's worth doing.
- If the case can be completed within the next 15 minutes. For example, the customer urgently requested to make changes to the project or to answer any questions. This task is suffering at least 20-30 minutes? Continue to focus on the ongoing work.
- If the problem can be translated into the background. Until you upload to video hosting and waiting when processed photos, you can check your emails, gash storys in social networks or reply to messages. In this case, you are not distracted, and just compensate a little "simple".
- If two cases involve different processes. For example, one requires the work of the mind, the other - hand. While there is shopping, you tidy up the house or do any other mechanical work that does not require mental effort, it can be useful to listen to an audiobook.
2. Find in your schedule "core"
Even in the chaotic schedule, likely to have stability. For example, in some days you go on group classes at the gym, lessons English or a manicure. And in the other drive to the office to meet with planorku or a regular customer.
Let these things, clearly tied to a certain time, will become a kind of nucleus around which you will build the rest of the schedule.
You just need to fill in the blanks tasks more flexible - and that you have already appeared daily, not just a chaotic jumble of jobs.
This will give you a sense of certainty and stability. In addition, with a more or less regular schedule you complete more and spend less time on trying to find their way in a variety of messy problems.
3. Create rituals
Flexible task, including personal, too, can become an important part of the schedule. And if you combine them into groups and bind to a specific time of the day, they will turn into rituals. For example, the morning ritual may consist of exercise, meditation, journaling - as in the sensational book by Hal Elrod "magic of morning». And in the evening, you can add reading, exercises for eyes, a bath with fragrant oils's Skin treatments and so on.
Rituals help to structure the day and divide it into blocks, bring a sense of stability, set up to work. And still improveWhy routines are good for your health sleep.
4. Maintain working mood
For those who work outside the home, this is easier: the office environment itself or the cabinet has to work. But freelancers and udalonschikam it is very difficult to tune for performance of tasks. There is always a temptation lain on the couch a couple of days or, conversely, to forget the "leave" from work and relieve tension.
To avoid this, try to separate work and household chores.
For example, workers engaged in questions only to strictly certain hours and on certain days - as it would be at a constant schedule. And be sure to select the house working area: sitting on a sofa, where you usually watch Netflix, tune into the case would be difficult.
5. sleep during the day
Especially if the fault unstable graphics are not getting enough sleep at night. Short - 10 to 90 minutes - daytime sleep refreshing, it helps to restore strength, energizing. The duration of the rest will have to identify yourself, starting from their own feelings. But to find the best time of the day here is a help calculator.
Put the red arrow in the time when you wake up, and look at where intersect the yellow and blue circles. This will be the perfect gap for an afternoon nap. For example, if you wake up at 7 in the morning, take a nap is best at 14:00.
And in general: do not forget to relax and take a break every 25-45 minutes. Otherwise, you risk losing your concentration and work will be unproductive.
6. Keep personal affairs in priority
In normal operation schedule takes a strictly allotted time for her - for example, from 10:00 to 18:00. A graph unstable when it tries to absorb 16 hours a day. If not all 24. A personal affairs and projects often are pushed to the back burner with the caveat, "I will, when I have finished the work." But this happy moment never comes.
So try to do the contrary. First of all take the time to personal matters - sport, self-education, creation or blogging. And only then proceed to the main tasks. So you learn to do the same job in less time and get rid of the feeling that life is passing you, and you do not have time to do what is important to you.
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