How to live when you do not want anything
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
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Everyone has times when even simple daily chores - washing dishes, working with e-mail, playing with a child - become a burden. What to speak of complex projects, creativity and new beginnings. Psychologists in this case we say that a man came out of the resource stateMental Resource - that is, no longer feel stable filled, relaxed.
This can happen due to illness or extreme fatigue, failure at work, and conflicts with loved ones, tragic events, age and personal crises, and so on. Weakness and lethargy may come to naught after the people will have a rest, and may be symptoms of depression and starting a reason to turn to a therapist. We understand that it is worth to take to help yourself.
Forget about magic Pendeli
From childhood we are told that failure to act - it is always bad. Laziness - a vice, idleness - sin, procrastination - losers. And no matter how bad, you need to take your ass off the couch, get out of your comfort zone, to work, to engage in self-development, to be active and productive. No wonder that, dropped out of the resource state, the first thing a person starts to blame for it yourself.
Following a course there are attempts to force myself to work, to punish the omission and stimulate yourself threats. All this - the species negative motivation. Personnel Management Expert Daniel Pink He argues that no punishment or intimidation and pressure, or carrot-and-stick approach does not work in the long term. On the contrary, such an approach leads to the fact that people no longer see the point of what he was doing.
The very existence of laziness as a vice or negative character traits in the modern world is questioned.
Some experts sayLaziness Does Not ExistThat laziness does not exist. other considerIt is a defense mechanism that saves us from overwork. For failure to act may be hiding a tangle of causes and feelings: fear of failure, deficiency of motivation, fatigue or illness, in the end banal unwillingness to do what is necessary.
If you fell out of the state of the resource, it is worth thinking about how to take a break and relax - as far as circumstances permit. Or go into a kind of energy-saving mode and only deal with the most necessary things, and all the other tasks postponed until better times, or delegate relatives, friends and colleagues.
Find out more🤔
- 7 reasons why laziness - it is a myth
Arrange internet detox
In 1998, American psychologist Robert Kraut foundInternet ParadoxThat the more time a person spends in the network, the higher his risk of falling into depression. About 25% of social network users are subject toEvolutionary Psychology and 'Facebook Depression' the so-called Facebook-depression, which occurs due to the fact that a person had to face bullying, Insults or envy.
If you believe the US studyIf Facebook Use Causes Envy, Depression Could Follow58% of social network users, comparing their lives with online friends to posts, assess it negatively and feel like a failure. Constantly looking at others and read about others' achievements posts can be great to undermine their self-esteem. And it is unlikely that it requires a person who has, and so there is no effort or mood.
A period of rest and recovery of resources, it may be worthwhile to give up social networks. Or restrict their use to the minimum necessary. The same applies to any "motive" of literature. Read about how to earn more and live a brighter and better when all this there is strength.
- How to arrange a digital detox and do not go crazy
praise yourself
In the pyramid of needsA Theory of Human Motivation Abraham Maslow on one of the upper tiers located need respect and recognition. a man is very important to feel good to know that it is appreciated, and that his work is important and meaningful. From school, if not in kindergarten, we get used to wait praise from other people, and not from ourselves.
And we consider the achievements of only what you can measure, evaluate and present the rest, - promotion at work, buying a car, getting a diploma. But many, at first glance, the small steps that make up our way to greater success, to go unnoticed.
John Croft, Environmentalist, for many years studied the life and philosophy of the Australian aborigines, came up with colleagues Dragon dreaming - method of planning personal and corporate projects. He believes that life must attend four processes - daydreaming, planning, action and celebration. And without the latter - the celebration - cycle remains unfinished, we do not feel pleasure and recognition.
Any steps - even the ones that seem to us tiny - are to celebrate them, rather than depreciate.
Cooking a delicious and balanced meal - at first glance, nothing. But if you look better - it is one of the elements that make up the health of the entire family. Half a page of text - it would seem very small, but for a year at a pace you can write a whole book.
For someone who is tired, confused and unsure of himself, it is especially important to celebrate achievements - both large and small, everyday. As an option - to keep a diary of success and every day to record it for at least five cases for which you can praise yourself. The account goes even what we used to ignore, - routine household chores and work tasks.
This practice will help to feel important and find the source of recognition and praise within itself, rather than wait for them from other people. And of course, no one bothers to pamper yourself with entertainment and a pleasant shopping or take it a rule to regularly celebrate success together with friends and family.
Believe in yourself💪🙂
- To increase motivation, learn to appreciate themselves
Do not rush things and get help
In difficult times, we look forward to any light period - the day when mood It will be a little better and a little more energy. And when it comes, then there is a temptation to rush to solve problems and build a million heroic plans. But do not hurry.
It is likely that the next day the energy will dry up again and all of these outstanding obligations will fall on your dead weight.
David Burns bestseller "Therapy mood. Clinically proven way to beat depression without drugs, "he says, getting out of the vicious circle of apathy, inactivity and self-flagellation, it is very important not to rush things and start with simple cases, gradually increasing load.
He advises to write in diary even such elementary seemingly acts like brushing your teeth, reading or lunch next to each marking on a scale how much use and / or enjoyment they brought. To cope with major challenges, people feel the mood lifting and enthusiasm to do something a little more complicated.
And so, step by step, is selected from an emotional pit, which turned out to be. However, if you cope with apathy and return to the resource state still does not work, it is a reason to seek help from psychotherapist.
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see also🧐
- 12 ways to change life for those who have absolutely no power
- Depression made me a lark, and a new approach to a dream turned into a superman
- 8 Simple Ways to motivate yourself day after day