How to spend less time on email
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Checking e-mail is very similar to addiction. There are several reasons for this.
- Just as in the time of sex, gambling or receiving drugs while checking email in the brain to release the hormone dopamine pleasure.
- We constantly look in your inbox, because we want to keep abreast of developments and are afraid of missing something.
- We parse email to rest and not engage in more difficult cases.
But this time it is possible to carry out much better. Kevin Cruz, author of the book "15 Time Management Secrets: How successful people manage everything", Offers five tips to help reduce takes to email time in half.
1. Make analysis of email in your calendar
Do not check e-mail, and processes it. Treat parsing messages in the same way as any other job. Plan it, fill in your calendar, and then proceed with the execution. Cruz advised to disassemble the mail three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening.
Kevin CruiseIt is important not the amount spent on the job with the post time. Someone has to parse messages will go three hours a day, and someone 30 minutes. The main thing - to approach this case deliberately, as usual operation.
2. Do not send a copy of all letters
The fewer letters you send, the more will get less in return. So try not to put so many people in the copy of the letter. Including not tick the "Reply All".
Some managed to reduce the flow Email 50% when they accustomed themselves to think twice before you send a new message.
3. Filter posts
Adjust the filters to lay out the different types of messages in different folders. So you can spend time working only on the really important messages and not be wasted on the rest.
4. Stop use your mailbox as a to-do list
Many people send themselves messages with different things for later, turning in another mailbox to-do list. But it only hurts productivity.
Cruise offers an approach. Opening a new letter, first ask yourself whether you can remove it. If not, consider whether it can be delegated to someone. If this is not possible, think whether you can deal with it in less than five minutes. If so, great. If not, put the letter later. But do not leave it in your inbox, and drag the folder to your calendar, and select a specific date and time when you can do it.
5. Announced his intention to others
Discuss it with colleagues, so it will be easier to stick to the plan. Tell your boss that to improve its performance you disable notification of new mail and will disassemble the e-mail only at certain times.
Also agreed on how you can be contacted in case of urgent matters.
Trying to reduce the time it takes to work with e-mail, you will have to change their habits, and it always turns out not at once. Be patient and be prepared to recognize that spending so much time on email there is no need.