80 to life hacking productivity
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
How to find the time
1. Allocate less time on important things. When you have a limited amount of time, you have to force yourself to strain to within a short time to have time to do everything.
2. Stop watching television. According to some estimates, on average we spend 13.6 years of life watching TV. This time could be spent on something more useful.
3. Write down what you spend time. So you can see how much time is wasted, and to assess what it would be better spent.
4. Give up things that take up your time, energy and attention and give little in return.
5. Cease to strive for the ideal. Know when it's time to say "stop". This is especially true is not particularly important cases like the cleaning.
6. Get a "technical" day. Transfer all the household chores like washing, cleaning and going shopping for one day to other days of the week do not spend time on it.
7. Write messages short and to the point, is not longer than five sentences. So you'll spend less time answering emails.
8. If you use a Gmail email client, try the app
The Email Game. It makes the work with the mail in game.9. Stop sorting mail into folders, it only complicates the search for the necessary letters.
10. Learn how to touch-type. The average print speed is about 40 words per minute, while touch typing, it increases to 60-80 words.
11. Keep track of how you spend time on the computer, using a program RescueTime. It runs in the background and she says how much time you spend on different sites.
12. To save more of their income - as you used to be able to finish work and go on a holiday.
How to spend time
13. Make a list of their most important responsibilities, and then think about which ones would you choose, if the day could carry only three. So, these cases should devote 80-90% of your time.
14. Reduce the time to do some things, if it causes you to resist. This method will gradually introduce new habits. For example, if you find it hard to meditate for 15 minutes, try to allocate it 10 or even 5 minutes. And eventually you addicted.
15. Every day carry out at least one an importantBut non-urgent matter, not to forget to move towards its goal.
16. Use the Pomodoro technique. For this method to work at intervals of 25 minutes, and then do a five-minute break.
17. Make a list of important things that you can do when you want prokrastinirovat. So you do something useful, and distract.
18. Live by the rule of two minutes. If the task you need less than two minutes, do not postpone it and do not store in the list, and follow immediately.
19. Plan your free time. When it is clearly structured, we no longer enjoy them.
20. Determine what business to perform the following, evaluating four factors: the conditions in which you are (at home, at work), how much time you have, how much you have power, what matters are the most important.
21. Be aware of how you spend your time. For example, put a reminder on your phone every hour.
22. Sometimes Take time out to completely disconnect from work.
23. Plan. Every minute spent on planning will save you five minutes when the case.
24. Remember, when people say "I do not have time for this," they actually show how this business is important to them.
25. Wait, before you send an important letter or message. Give yourself a little time to gather his thoughts, then your answer would be meaningful.
Body life hacking
26. Exercise. It is not only energizing, but also improves health, improves mood and helps sleep better.
27. Eat well. The worse you eat, the faster you run out of energy and the less remains a force in the business.
28. Drink coffee only when you need to focus and recharge your batteries. With frequent use of it ceases to act.
29. Do not drink a lot of coffee cups in a row, after drinks with caffeine drink water and do not drink caffeine on an empty stomach.
30. Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime. That's how much he is in the body after consumption.
31. drink more water. It improves metabolism, it helps to remove toxins and even suppresses appetite.
32. Keep a food diary. Those who keep records of their food, usually rarely overeat.
33. Get enough sleep, even if sometimes it is necessary to sleep. Sleep improves concentration and focus, reduces stress and reduces mood swings.
34. Do not drink alcohol before going to bed. He degrades the quality of sleep, and then the next day you will be lethargic and unhappy.
35. Sleep during the day. If you feel that the energy at the end, try to lie down for a while. This will fill power and help to avoid burnout.
36. Constantly evaluate how much energy you have, and act in accordance with their status. If you are tired, rest better, and when full of strength, handle the complex cases.
37. Calculate the time of day when you are most productive, recording the growth and decline of energy every day for a week.
38. Paint the walls of the office in the right color. It is believed that blue stimulates the brain, yellow - emotions, red - the body and the green creates a sense of balance.
39. Do not use electronic devices before bedtime: they emit blue light, and it makes it difficult to fall asleep.
40. Prefer natural light. Daylight reduces stress and energizes.
41. Install the program f.lux. It makes the screen backlight warmer after sunset. In contrast to the blue light, warm lighting does not inhibit melatonin production and does not interfere with sleep.
Life hacking for the brain
42. Find ways to relieve stress that you are helping. For example, you can play sports, read, listen to music, walk, meditate, go for a massage, make a creative hobby.
43. Take breaks while working. This makes it possible to escape, gain strength, find a new way to solve the problem.
44. Start small. The smaller the change you want to make in your life, the more likely it is that you really do this step.
45. Notice when you should not criticize yourself. According to David Allen, creator of GTD method, 80% of what we say to ourselves - it's negative comments.
46. Crank more friends in the office. This not only increases job satisfaction and interest in it, but also can help you move up the career ladder.
47. Look at your calendar with someone you have met over the past few months. Think, who especially inspired of these people or motivate you. Try to spend more time with them.
48. Lower your expectations. This will help to relax, get more pleasure out of life and not worry about the opinions of others.
49. Understand that the majority do not care about your success, income and appearance. Realizing this, you will feel that you are freer than you thought.
50. Use visualization to be more productive. Imagine that tomorrow you need a month to leave the city. What are the things you would have done exactly before departure? So you will understand what you need to do in the first place.
51. Do not always try to avoid conflicts. Moderate stress condition only increases productivity.
52. During operation, include background noise, such as online Coffitivity. It simulates the sound of a cafe, and this, according to researchIs Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition. Increases productivity and sets up a creative way.
53. Every day, remember three things for which you are grateful. It trains the brain to look for in life is not negative, but positive.
54. Every day write down one positive impression. So if the brain is going through it again, and it energizes and makes happier.
55. From time to time do not forget to relax and let off steam. You are human and can not always be productive.
How to manage your attention
56. Meditate. It teaches to focus on one thing better than any other activity. In addition, meditation calms, increases blood flow to the brainShort-term meditation increases blood flow in anterior cingulate cortex and insula. , Helps to fight procrastination.
57. Give up the multitasking. It reduces productivity and concentration leads to errors and stress.
58. Every day, write down what you need to do, who to contact, any thoughts and ideas swirling in your head.
59. Include in the diet foods that enhance Attention: Blueberries, green tea, avocado, leafy greens, oily fish, dark chocolate, flax seeds, walnuts.
60. Once finished some business, move along, so that next time it was easier to start. For example, immediately after a meal, wash the dishes, and after exercise add up to the place in shape.
61. Slow down the pace. We often live on autopilot, not noticing anything around. Try to do everything consciously: so you'll be better to distribute attention and, consequently, more to keep pace.
62. Disconnect from the Internet when you need to do something important. So you will be less likely to escape.
63. To avoid temptation, advance loses in mind the development of events. For example, if you aspire to a healthy diet, imagine that you are on the way home not go in the "McDonald's" and not buy fast food.
64. Less use a smartphone: it constantly distracts your attention and even harm relations.
65. At the time from 8 pm to 8 am translating a phone in flight mode. This will help to fall asleep quickly and not be distracted by social network before bed and immediately after waking.
What to pay attention
66. At the beginning of the day determine the three results, which want to achieve today. So you can help yourself to focus on the essentials.
67. Do not focus on how to make as much as possible. The main thing - to do what is important to you. When you know why you want to do this or that thing, you run it faster.
68. To develop self growth mindset. It distinguishes successful people the belief that their abilities are limitless.
69. Set a clear measurable targets, time-limited, but attainable. Then it will be easier to achieve the desired.
70. Stop mindlessly sit on the Internet, try to do it consciously. To do this, take breaks often and focus on what you need to do.
71. Turn off notifications for new messages. They do not take a lot of time, but distracting.
72. When you need a day or two to immerse themselves in work on some project, set up email autoresponder. You can provide your phone number for emergency contact.
73. Do not respond to each new letter immediately, check email on a schedule several times a day.
74. Identify key habits you want to develop. When they are strengthened, and they will change the rest of your life. For example, the key may be habit to cook at home, get up early to spend more time with his family.
75. Make a bad habit more expensive, agreeing with someone pay for each penalty.
76. Reward yourself. To change their behavior is not easy, but the reward for the movement to set goals just help new habits strengthened.
77. Keep anything that distracts you, away from you, for at least 20 seconds walk. To be distracted by something, you first have to get to the subject.
78. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. This will teach better understanding of the people, it will help strengthen relationships and avoid misunderstandings.
79. Every day, take time, effort and attention to the six major areas of life: health, emotions, career, finances, relationships and recreation. Try to develop their balanced.
80. Always have a specific goal. When you are constantly asking yourself why you are doing this or that thing, you start to see how it is connected with what's important to you.
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- What happens in the mind of the procrastinator is actually
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