How do you know that your daily routine is killing productivity
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Regularly evaluate the actions that occur out of habit, and weed out the unnecessary.
A good daily routine helps to perform scheduled with a minimum of stress, leveraging time and effort. But it may become outdated, become too rigid and inappropriate. And if you rely on it further, the situation will be reversed: the stress will increase and decrease productivity.
Our brain is lazy, he is always trying to save energy. Therefore, repetitive actions of the daily run on autopilot.
It becomes dangerous when the autopilot mode captures all aspects of life. As a result, all the time we are inclined to the traditional way of thinking, the same type of actions and decisions.
In this state, we do not see new possibilities, not invent creative ideasNot find the best options. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to leave the autopilot and evaluate how effective the daily life. It should save time and help to achieve the objectives and not vice versa. According to Stephen Covey, in his book "Seven Highly Effective People Skills
"The main thing - to make a calendar in their priorities, not to put priority on what is already in the calendar.When the calendar appears too many repetitive tasks, we stop to reflect and evaluate their condition.
We begin to mindlessly follow the plan, leaving no room to be spontaneous and self-care. In this case it is necessary to purge habits. That is to check whether not undermine any of their productivity and well-being.
The purpose of such cleaning - to reduce unnecessary repetitive actions. See which ones you do automatically. Do not forget that you have to control your schedule, but he is not you. There are many minor cases that can be practiced all day or a week, but it almost does not move towards the goal. Do not carry them on autopilot, if they do not bring the desired result.
"The autopilot is increasingly becoming a problem, - said Mark Williamson, head of the organization Action for Happiness, which is engaged in the research of happiness. - From the evolutionary defense mechanism that protects the brain from overloading, it has become a basic mode of operation, in which we We make decisions unaccountable. He penetrates into all spheres of life, depriving us of the sense of control. "
If you feel that your daily routine too much pressure on you, it is time to pause and appreciate their habits.
Ask yourself a few questions. I usually focus a lot or distracted? Why? Do I approach its short-term and long-term goals? What prevents me, what helps?
Analyze each task and action. Determine which of them can be moved, to delegate, to break or eliminate, if they do not help move towards the goals. Try to free up time for what really matters to you. Resist the temptation to take on as much as possible and add new tasks only if it is really necessary.
Carry out such audits on a regular basis, and you will always be focused on what is important to you. "After each cleaning you get at least a month, during which manages to seriously work on multiple projects," - writes in his book Cal Newport "digital minimalism».
From this it is easy to dismiss. When you're busy, it seems that is not so important to allocate time for reflection and vykorchovyvanie unnecessary tasks from your routine. But this is what may be the need to reboot, after which increase productivity. Try to do so once a month and find that less time is wasted.
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