Time for iOS will help cope with the procrastination and start working
Ios / / December 22, 2019
Created by two students Time application combines time tracker, task manager, and a means of increasing personal productivity. With it you plan to do list for the day, indicating a need to carry them out time and start working. A Time helps in this.
The app facilitates concentration on one task, running the top in the timer list. It was originally painted in green color, but as the time is coming to an end, the color gradually changes to red. It allows you to instantly determine the remaining time without being distracted from the task.
Setting targets too, is very simple: Just enter a name and specify the time. The timer is very cool visualized by swaying waves that symbolize funneling time and are encouraged to use it effectively. When the task is possible to adjust the timer simple gestures by adding or reducing the amount of time necessary.
With Time to work better when the iPhone screen is included, but this is not necessary. With support for interactive notification application can keep them collapsed and interact with timers directly from the lock screen.
For those who constantly disrupts deadlines, provided in the Time Overtime feature that is active for all added tasks. Its essence is that the timer after the countdown does not stop, but continues consider only the other way, showing how much extra time to spend on task. In this case, the screen turns red and an alarm sounds ticking clock (can be switched off). It does not give relax and spurs quickly finish the job.
Time to work smarter and more helps with advice. The app learns how you work on tasks, and offers them the best time, when you are the most productive. For extra motivation meets detailed statistics on the tasks and time. It shows the total saved time and work, as well as recycling. All data is stored, you can view metrics for each passing day.
More in the application has a screen of completed tasks with a list of cases that you have already mastered. And you can not only admire them, but quickly moved to the active tasks swipe gesture, which is very convenient for various repetitive routine. Particularly pleased that Time immediately calculate the estimated time of their performance and show to what time do you finish work on them.
While Time is available for the iPhone and iPad, but in the plans of developers is also a version for MacOS. In the appendix there is no paid subscriptions and premium features for a small fee you get at once all the possibilities.
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