Testing the Power Nap - application for tracking daytime sleep
Ios / / December 22, 2019
Power Nap - this is the app for monitoring an afternoon nap. It tracks your movement during sleep and on the basis of their wakes you up in REM sleep. In principle, nothing new, but still interesting. I decided to sleep with him, to understand whether or Power Nap to download it.
Last time I slept during the day about a year ago. But, determined to test this app, I woke up three hours earlier than usual and went to sleep at 12 o'clock noon, to find out whether there is a Power Nap app purchase at least some sense.
It turned out that there is. Power Nap works on the same principle as the Sleep Cycle, about which I spoke here. It tracks the movement and published by you in the sounds of the dream (well, at least not recording) to wake up during the phase REM sleep. A broken state in the morning arises from the awakening in the deep sleep phase, when the body is resting and gaining strength.
Before the first use of the application is necessary to pass the test, place the phone beside her and rotate his side. If the gadget emits a signal, which means that Power Nap is located at the right distance and will pick up all the sounds made by you. Most likely, you are sleeping in the same place, so take a test on just one single, to find the right place and there is always smart to leave.
Once you have set the time you want to sleep, you need to put an extra alarm for the case, if the application is for some reason not be able to wake you up.
I set the alarm for half an hour, and the application woke me up in 28 minutes. I woke up really fresh and alert, but not sure if it is a merit Power Nap, not mine.
Special attention should be paid to the sounds. Here, as the melodies are various alarm sounds of nature: the sound of rain, birds singing and stuff. It helps to gently wake up.
Studio Phase4, which is responsible for the development of applications focuses on the fact that it was established on the basis of scientific research, although it is not known what. In general, as I woke up without any problems or broken condition, I can recommend Power Nap to install all those who often sleeps during the day.
Tell us why you sleep during the day. It is interesting to know if this habit is useful and whether it is to follow it?