For the guys who develop jailbreak, the appearance of the new iPhone actually means "starting from scratch". As new versions of iOS, the new apple smartphone flatly refuse to break the current means and force developers to play in the endless cat-and-mouse game with Apple.
Three months ago the iPhone 5 and many people ask the obvious question: when will the jailbreak? Photos from the allegedly broken the iPhone 5 is already running on the web and still excite the minds of eager users.
Burglary iOS trying to deal with many, but the release of jailbreak has been relatively small group of "elite" hackers. Some of them are doing it for the money, others spend hours tinkering in the guts of the system solely because it is a challenge for themselves and their capabilities. Hacking the iPhone 5 may be the most difficult in the history of jailbreak. The fact that Apple does not ignore this unpleasant fact, and with each new version of the smartphone operating system and take into account the vulnerabilities used by crackers. In the end, we have to look for more and more new ways to bypass the security. In general, this process can be compared to a giant puzzle a puzzle.
In September of last year on the prospect JailbreakCon hacking the iPhone 5 it seemed pretty questionable and users did not have much reason to celebrate. Now the situation is changing. One of the hacking guru posted on Twitter photo your iPhone 5 with clearly visible on the screen tweaks jailbreak device.
Here are his words:
"We still do not have the critical pieces, would allow to release the jailbreak today. Believe me, we do want to release it as soon as possible. "
It is obvious that the delay in the release is primarily due to the reluctance to lay out in the open access of raw and unpolished product.
"At this stage of the process can be characterized as rather search for the missing pieces than as debugging. As a rule, the most difficult part is to find a way to jailbreak to install it on your device. We are already well advanced. Now jailbreak itself is already stable, but we are lacking a few essential exploits. I can not say which ones. "
While that was not named even an approximate date of release of the jailbreak, there has been progress in the development of definitely pleasing. Perhaps we will get the finished product already this year?