For fastidious obladatelyaey iPad, we conducted a thorough investigation and are willing to talk, and in some stores you can order an original and high-quality cover at what prices. In this list there are also eco-friendly products, and covers with Darth Vader, and a link to the store where it is possible most to create a design for the device.
Etsy - the largest online store that sells vintage and hand-made items, including covers for the iPad. Typically, products in this store exists in a single copy, but the authors of write, how much goes time to create a product.
For example, here these covers from Germany, made of leather, wool, and as the author asserts, love and passion, will cost about 2,400 rubles. What are they good for? Made of waterproof leather surface has a pocket for additional items, fastener and, of course, stylish design.
BUT this option Hong Kong stands at $ 20 cheaper and done in just a day or two.
In addition to classic leather cases, have fun on Etsy copies with the image of Darth Vader
or imitation divorce from the paint. In general, choose - covers for the iPad here on 250 pages.Raisins
For addicted to eco-products from the online store of unusual things "Raisins" there is something interesting - cardboard cover. It harmless it that Self and does not harm the environment. But as you know, life in this cover short - stretch to as long as not fall into someone's hands with pens. However, it is rather an advantage - you can to paint your iPad, get autographs or strike sharply on the lecture it with him. It is also suitable for a gift: draw a portrait of a friend and give him. A set of three covers costs 350 rubles. And these kits there are only 3.
this option suitable for those who complain that print a lot of text on iPads impossible. Case Keyboard from Logitech's in store iCover worth 3698 rubles a reliable magniteone mount, Russian layout, alluminum housing and stylish design.
- On the site Blooom lives catalog covers, perhaps, with the most comfortable materials and textures touching - are shown in a streamlined and polyester cat-dolls, and fish, rabbits, and peppers. Even the cars made in the spirit of the pop art of Warhol. The price of all covers - 799 rubles.
Queen of Darkness
These covers are handmade ethnic admixture - straps, rivets, thick seams, plaques and - most interesting - amulets with the image of Apple. They are not just an unusual design, but also has its own philosophy. For example, in the line of "Infinity of time" used in warm and cool colors, the metal that symbolizes the change of seasons, night and day. The symbol in the center of the apple - interweaving of two elements - like eight, cycling, or forever.
I do not have a website designer, but there Page In contact with - through it you can contact and order your favorite cover.
Hand-made bag from the site Griffin worth almost 7.5 million, but it seems to be worth it. You look at the monitor - and already feel the smell and the cover of leather. However, in the photo shows whether the old case with black marks, whether the buyer hints that skin easily gets dirty.
The fact that such a beautiful online store Caseable She knows firsthand. Cases Decorate artists from 10 countries. For the manufacture takes three to five days and cost cover with a beautiful pattern or portrait around 2500 thousand. Caseable representative office in Russia argues that students make a 15% discount.
If you still have not found anything like it, create cover for yourself. Caseable enables customers to choose the color and position any image for all the details of the case. You want your picture? You are welcome. Make a label? And it's possible.