With the iPad publishers have to think about how to best represent the information and file readers. The first really big project, where "rethink" the flatbed reading, became Flipboard.
Let me remind you that its developers have implemented an interesting idea: the application connects to your accounts on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc), «pulls" links to interesting articles that your friends are sharing, and then generates a full magazine on the basis of these recommendations. Programmers and designers have tried their best Flipboard: Reading this magazine is a pleasure.
Similarly, by gone Zite developers. They also offer a personalized magazine articles. But there are differences.
As it is known, the most popular blogs (such as Gizmodo, Engadget, Kotaku) updated 20-60 times a day. Not all articles are interesting and deserve attention. And if you subscribe to a dozen sites on the same topic, it is likely that every day read through 200-300 of articles devoted to the same (just an expression of different words). In Zite you specify the range of interests, and the program selects the best materials on the topic.
When reading an article, you can specify, like it or not, whether you want to in the future to get more materials on a given topic from a certain author. These statistics are accumulated and eventually Zite works even more precisely.
In Flipboard not all articles can be read in a nicely formatted way. Many materials are shown partially. User need to open the page of the site to read the full article (not very convenient, since it is necessary to not only view advertisements, but also to deal with uncomfortable design). In Zite also solved the problem of how to Reeder, - has a special Reader-mode: the entire article is pumped, unnecessary decoration is removed, there is only text and illustrations.
I am very skeptical about the promises Zite, but at the end of a few months I can say that reading the news with this app is really convenient. Zite somehow manages to guess that I was interested in, and what not. Again duplicate comes less.
Recently it became known that a Zite eyeing CNN. The TV channel is willing to pay $ 25 million for the project. Obviously, the TV people are not interested in the application itself (CNN news application from there), and the mechanism of personalized recommendations.
Zite: Personalized Magazine for iPad from zite.com on Vimeo.
Try Zite you. The program is free, you can download it in the App Store.
Page in the App Store: Zite
project website: Zite
Price: is free
System requirements: IOS 3.2 and higher