Almost all of us sooner or later face the need to borrow money or lend them to anyone. Situations can be many, and each is forgotten at home purse, and a situation where a person buys a gift, and the others with him later calculated. But what if sometimes small amounts forgotten? Of course, you can take notes on paper, but it is much better to use the specially created for this PayMeBack application for the iPhone.
PayMeBack - a very simple application, bearing only one function. As you might guess, we will use it to record when you take a loan or borrow someone else.
The interface is very simple, there is nothing superfluous. Use PayMeBack nice, largely due to the attractive appearance. Gray and orange color scheme in which an application is not erupt and looks stylish.
In order to proceed with the recordkeeping just click the New button. The first thing you need to select the recording category, more precisely should you or you. Then you need to specify who should, by the way is very convenient that the set has a contact tip your address book, and then specify the amount. Further, it is possible to write a small note, for example that, but what you borrowed money. Just below it is a small piece of Google Maps, which will be a mark of where you are, when they gave the money to the debt.
I liked it, it is possible to divide the sum by a few people, for example if several people are assigned to you to buy a gift. To do this, when you create a recording, you need to specify all those who will have to give you money, and when you ukazyaet amount you can choose two options, if necessary, to the sum was divided equally on all, and if you consider the most necessary at division.
All records are stored in a list in the main application window. Clicking on one of the items, you can delete the entry, noting the record as paid or view the note and mark on the map.
As you can see, the application does not contain any extra features, but at the same time cope with the task perfectly. Certainly worth considering that it was created for everyday use, so if you have to engage in serious records contain a mnozhetsya parameters should look at the more functional applications for conducting the financial accounting.
To summarize, we can say that the application got very pleasant and easy to use. Given its price, and it is only $ 0.99, you can safely recommend it to replace your usual way of doing this kind of records.
Download from the App Store: PayMeBack
Price: $0.99
website Developer: PayMeBack
System requirements: IOS 4.2 and higher