At the time of writing this review Pulse News Reader was on the 16th position in the ranking of best-selling apps for the iPad in the AppStore. Reeder for iPad Its main competitor was marked on 76th place. It would seem that for those who are thinking about purchasing RSS-reader choice is clear and we must give preference to applications developed by two students at Stanford University. But not all so simple ...
Pulse News Reader undoubtedly innovative RSS-aggregator. Developers have rejected the classical concept and offered their vision of reading RSS-feeds. Pulse displays news sources in the form of horizontal stripes containing boxes with news sources. In contrast to most readers, Pulse focuses on the visual representation showing the image contained in the news. Thus, the selection of articles to read based not only on the text, but also on the visual component.
Pulse News Reader offers two options of reading news. In plain text, the concealment of superfluous information from the user and into the web-version, due to the tinsel. It depends on the applications and the iPad's position in space. The landscape takes two-thirds of the screen displaying news, the remaining space is used to move quickly through the news section. In portrait mode, a news allocated all the space of the screen, and the news ticker pops up in the bottom of the screen by clicking on the icon.
We turn to the initial application settings. Most of us already have more than a dozen resources, news from which fall into the RSS-aggregator. It is likely that your feeds are contained in Google Reader. When you import a channel problems have arisen, but the big surprise caused a warning from the fact that you can add no more than twenty sources. Moreover, there is also a limit and the number of posts displayed for each channel - no more than forty.
In my opinion, this is not just a negative Pulse, a position simply puts an end to the automatic recognition of RSS-channel for the site's URL and the search for interesting feeds by keyword. All this just does not make sense to use under these restrictions. In addition, there is no synchronization with Google Reader, but for Pulse is already a luxury.
Not surprisingly, the program works very quickly. Unlike full aggregators, Pulse is not necessary to store the entire cloud already-read news, and themselves have been read the news here is not there. No, and here the list with your favorites, such as the possibility of missing. Solid and no I can not.
Referring to the additional features of the program. Pulse News Reader has a very convenient scaling of text, there is the possibility to send a link to the post via Facebook, Twitter and email. You can add bookmarks to Instapper. Setting up accounts for third-party services, convenient and concentrated in a single menu. Here everything is in order.
Pulse News Reader has the makings of a very good and users seem to like how the application interacts with the reader. But 20 news feeds - this is just ridiculous. If the increase in their number slows down the application to the limit (and in this I see the reason for restrictions), then what is the point at all in the creation of a demo version of RSS-client at a price of $ 3.99
Perhaps this "reader" is not even the housewives, he must fit my terrier who subscribed to feeds Pedigree, Royal Canin and the site of luxury clothing for animals Barcelona Dogs. But his dog's interests grow every year ...
Page Pulse News Reader in the AppStore (3.99 $)