Tired of the endless stream of zombies, different prygalok-ropes, Tetris and solitaire games of all kinds? Your brain is definitely requires something a little more meaningful, the game that will cause to think, to plan, to treat every detail with responsibility. You need not just a game, and a strategy, such as Hotel Mogul HD.
Hotel Mogul HD simulator property management, and not just a property, and the whole resort, located on the coast of paradise. The player will plunge headlong into the tourism business, learn how to profit from the forests, seas and rivers. Help, after all, the main character of the game (and part-time your boss) to get out of a very sticky situation.
The fact that the game has a story on the iPad, the news is not bad. And even if it is banal. And the story of how a girlfriend tripped, to seize all business and pocketing new husband - this is not important in Hotel Mogul. Indeed, the very name of the game sounds translated as "Hotel Mogul", so to hell with this story! Let us build the very hotels that will bring millions.
In the first place before you the global map of the resort with five major locations, containing 35 levels. Each level poses several challenges that need to be completed in a timely fashion, "the expert time." Meet the deadline, the player is awarded the maximum number of points by which opens access to projects of new buildings that will have a direct impact on your business in the near future.
In the game you are given the position of Director of Development. In your duties include building a network planning hotels in a particular area, the distribution of cash flows for the purchase materials, hiring labor and the development of existing infrastructure, that is, to put it simply, increasing the number of stars above your hotels. In addition, you have a free hand, and in order to attract the immediate cash you are able to sell already-built property to buy more expensive buildings or land. Despite the apparent complexity of all these manipulations, programmers managed to do all of these steps and techniques are very simple and straightforward to use.
Every hotel brings you a profit, it affects a number of indicators: population, infrastructure and its surrounding the so-called positive and negative modifiers income points to bedzhike next to the building platform. All this affects the future profitability of the hotel and should be considered when building. In addition, buildings require maintenance, which implies the presence of office space and hiring employees. Despite a number of possibilities, each mission takes place in a fairly fast pace. Any of the first fifteen levels will not take more than ten minutes.
The game world is filled with nice, high-quality 2D models designed in the same style and pleasing the eye variety, which is very important in the resort INVESTMENT simulator. Township worn avtomobilchiki, flying birds, desert drag vortex smoke fire at the camp - such attention to detail is commendable. A bit disappointed myself building process, unfortunately, it passes is identical for all types of buildings. The musical component to get a few monotonous, at the same time effects sounds quite on the level.
Tasks can be quite interesting and at the same time adhere to reality. Where it is necessary to redeem and to demolish the camps, preventing wealthy tourist or restore the fishing harbor, investing in this economy 200,000 evergreen. With the growth of your business, you certainly will meet with more original objectives.
Common tasks developers diluted with four arcades plot, for example, in the first you will need to collect photographs lurking with dirt on your boss's husband. Adding this element diversify the gameplay, and just like the creative development of the alawar EntertainmentWhich by the way is quite known in our open spaces, it's twice as nice.
Hotel Mogul HD is not much, but still close to the major games for which you can spend more than one hour, try one or the other tactics of income as soon as possible. This contributes to the complexity of the tasks they perform for the "expert time" rather than just what is happening gives excitement and makes you want to just one level. At the same time, this complexity was not to everyone's shoulder, so that in the AppStore dedicated quite a few comments. In general, a positive opinion of the players, and we can not agree with them, the game is worthy of attention.
Home Hotel Mogul HD in the AppStore (6.99 $)