Although this article is addressed, first of all, fans of technology as such, they are likely to ignore it and set out in the conclusions of this stuff (comments clearly confirm this). Specifications against the use of experience - this debate is already underway that year. And it seems that the winner is already known. Guess which side of Apple? ;)
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We all love technology. We like what they can achieve, and we like the prospect that the technology will enable us to do in the future. However, we often happens aytishnyh circles obsessed with than a particular technology, rather than to wonder, for what it is needed. Users are not asked to 802.11ac wireless networks - they just need a faster wi-fi. Nobody requires H.264 codec - all just want to watch high quality video without blur and artifacts. The entire catch is that tehnogiki often focus on standards, rather than on their application.
To some extent, the standards - a cool thing. They provide a common platform, which eliminates certain inconsistency between devices. However, as the technology becomes more prevalent, the relationship from the standards becoming less relevant, and often does such a dependence can close all the doors, rather than to provide greater openness.
For example, the IT press is required (and still requires) Apple's iPhone to add support for NFC: say, with This will begin the golden era of mobile payments, which will save us from having to carry a wallet.
However, Apple decided that people care about NFC technology itself - it is important to use their phones as a means to pay for purchases. Thus there Passbook, and now I can leave your wallet at home when I go to a nearby Starbucks, to work there drinking coffee.
Technocracy is more important the technology itself than the actual need for its use.
Before the advent of mobile phone manufacturers ayfon thought on new methods of inputting information on devices connected to the Internet. And they gave us a special hardware buttons for media functions and internet buttons accidentally pressed which cost users money for the extra traffic. Apple gave us the soft keyboard (Preempting criticism in the comments, it should be noted immediately that Apple's, of course, did not invent the screen itself keyboard, but has introduced in its massive use as the sole means of entering text information - approx. per.).
Mobile devices are increasingly perceived as common household devices, rather than as computers. This is exactly the mark with which users no longer bother gigabytes, wireless frequencies and starting to wonder what their phones can do. What problems they can solve? How easy is it to use them?
Chromecast device type - like a juicy piece of meat for tehnogikov because they can hack. But for the average user the possibility of hacking never included in a list of characteristics. People do not hack your toasters, so they give a damn that l33tpwnr587 just concocted hack "Hromkasta" Me to watch HBO content.
Technophiles difficult to accept that technologies now exist not only for them. Live or die technology - now it depends on the whim of the mass user. So it goes.
Nobody wants Flash on a mobile device - you just want to watch online videos. Made.
No one really does not need a physical keyboard - simply need an easier way to interact with the phone. Made.
Another sore subject - wireless charging. "Why the iPhone does not support wireless induction charging? - whimper. - The users would have liked. "
In this situation, a smart company asks the question: "What is the problem it solves?" And the problem here not in the absence of wireless charging as such - the problem is the complexity of the charging device. Stop. But wireless charging device still requires wires plugged into an electrical outlet. And the phone still needs to be located in a special place, so that the battery being charged. The only difference is that the phone itself does not have anywhere to connect physically. To get what innovation!
Let's face it, the wireless charging looks impressive, but no comfort from it. A smart company will develop more batteries, which would have a few days to live, the creation of energy-efficient chips, cases with solar cells and powered by the kinetic energy of the battery - but will not spend time on the production of the charging pad, which must be plugged into the same outlet as your USB-charging.
Among Tehnomaniya this "blindness" suffered by many, trying to squeeze the technology in some "piece of iron", and not to take advantage of this technology to solve a particular problem.
iPhone 5s camera was still the same 8-megapixel, for that it and Nokia «swept». But from a functional point of view, this camera is still one of the best in its class. Why? Yes, because it is designed to create great photos, not to win the race performance.
It is noteworthy that other manufacturers began to develop such an approach: HTC and Motorola are already trying to put priority on the experience of use and not specifications. And for consumers is good news, because we all do not care about what they have in the cars under the hood, inside the toaster or smartphones. People are the only important thing that they can do and whether it will bring them pleasure.
— Spencer Callaghan, Macgasm