Squareone - Whether possible to make it even easier to Email?
Ios / / December 22, 2019
Squareone - it is a new email client that offers you to sort e-mail into folders. But do it wisely.
Developers are constantly trying to come up with new features that will distinguish them from the competition application. In emeyl environment better than anyone else managed to do MailboxWhich reinterpreted the whole concept of an email, turning them into a list of tasks. Squareone - a new Email client with the features that will be useful to those who received many, many letters.
Squareone goal is to break up your folder "Inbox" in the group: digests, VIP, friends, work and so on. This is in order not to distract you senseless notifications when new mailing receipt or promo from an online store. Notifications will be sent only to those groups from which you want.
When you first boot you will be shown your mailbox statistics. Even my not be the most actively used box receives 500 letters a month, which includes me in 60% of the accidents. If such statistics have shown, then fix my situation.
By default, all incoming messages will be in the «Unsorted» folder. Selecting any letter, you can send it to the appropriate category, and all future messages from that contact will be sent to the same. It is convenient, but it is already in Gmail, it would seem, is nothing new?
But you can disable notifications from certain groups. You must agree, you do not need a momentary reminder of the new shares or sale. Thus it is possible to get rid of annoying messages that are spam and it is a pity to throw, but to spend their time, too, do not want to. Enable or disable the sound, you can swipe the icon.
In the side menu, you can enable or disable the sound in all groups, go to drafts or archive, and invite your friends. Folders can be moved to make the use more comfortable, as well as create new ones. For example, I did not have the folder "Study", which I immediately created.
Each time, the choice of email clients is becoming more and more. And for me personally it is hard to say which one is the absolute favorite. Mailbox, Boxer or a beginner Squareone? The correct answer depends on you and how you use email. Squareone is absolutely free, fast and flawlessly. So, if you just want something new, why not try?