In the US the number of directories AppStore for iPhone and iPad is not amenable to calculation, various encyclopedias of birds, plants, not to mention the medical and technical documentation. All this wealth of available iPhone owners speak English well. Russian-speaking AppStore can not boast such a variety, but each month there are several applications useful and understandable to all, without exception.
The developers of the next program "for the good of the cause" acted Four Team Studio, known to our readers for applications such as the iApteka-folk and just iApteka. At this time, a small guide is far from medicine and include explanations of the various signs occurring on a daily basis, whether it's clothes or the car number.
Looking into the section "Designations" I caught myself thinking that some of the signs can be interpreted is not quite right, and a small portion of those without a clue to understand is not easy. Probably each of us remembers the designation "The package should be thrown in the trash" or "CAUTION. Fragile ", but the differences between the signs" To iron to 200 ° C "or" Stroking to 130 C "confidently say not all. Of course, you can call his wife or girlfriend, or use the search engine, but it's much easier to just remember.
However, some information is much more difficult to remember, and the more often it will be redundant. License plates, a variety of codes and signs of currencies, refer to standards, barcodes and they belong to a particular country. Not to mention the correspondence table of clothing sizes in different parts of the world.
Useful information in the "Notation" section:
- The designations on the labels on the clothes (laundry, dry cleaning, drying, ironing)
- Clothing Size Converter, shoes and underwear for men, women and children
- Markings on the packaging and certification marks
- Signs and currency codes
- Barcodes (from Australia to Japan)
- License plates and telephone country code
See "Useful" justifies the grandiose name. Here you can find tips thematically related to the categories of signs above. Clothing dedicated to the two groups of the Council, one talks about the care and storage, to another presents a method for determining the amount of shoes, feminine and masculine wardrobe. Section dedicated to the ruble currency degree of protection hryvnia, the euro and the dollar of course. A pair of recent advice will talk about the meaning of the code elements of the bar, as well as the Russian license marks, Ukraine and Belarus.
Page in the App Store:iOboznacheniya
Developer website: Four Team Studio
cost: 0.99$
Personal rating: ★★★★★