Steve Jobs once again impressed the audience, announcing iPhone 4, which is just a couple of weeks will be able to feel the first overseas lucky. Russian, users will have to wait, though not as long as it was with the previous Apple phones. It was learned that sell the iPhone 4 plans three telecom companies in Russia - "VimpelCom", MTS and "Megaphone". As representatives of the company, sales of the fourth generation of the device will begin in Russia in September-October this year. The details of the agreements in the official sources it does not go. (In addition, MTS and "Megaphone" still trying to agree on the iPhone 4 shipments from Apple, while "VimpelCom" has sort of agreed and discusses with apple company parts supply) By the way, until the end of September iPhone 4 should be on sale in 88 countries around the world, although there is no evidence as to whether Russia is part of this number.
"Vedomosti" claimThat according to the contract with Apple's, mobile operator "VimpelCom" is obliged to buy about the same number of new device models, such as purchasing and iPhone 3GS last year. In the case of MTS and "Megaphone" similar information regarding sales trends yet.
Information published in his blog Chief Editor site, Eldar Murtazin. It turns out that one of the mobile operators (yet unnamed) is considering the possibility of subsidizing the purchase of a new iPhone model. Terms of subsidies are as follows: a monthly payment of 3 million rubles, the cost of which is included in the package 500 MB free connection to certain social networks, excluding traffic, about 480 voice minutes month. The first installment of the device at the same time should be around 10 thousand rubles. On these conditions, it is planned to sell only the model with 16 GB of memory.
This cry was thrown Murtazin, an online community of fans of Apple's mobile gadgets with the aim to find out whether people are willing to purchase long-awaited new iPhone 4 in these conditions. Opinions are divided, although a majority against the proposed conditions - they do not seem profitable. What do you think about such subsidies? would agree to these conditions to buy an iPhone 4?