But what about the humanities? (Part 1, Part 2)
Who will answer - "Why," you need the iPad?
Magic iPad (Part 1)
This week MacRadar offers to get acquainted with a series of articles by Ben Thompson, creator of Site stratechery.comDedicated iPad recent presentation. Before you - a translation of the last part of the final article of this series. In the article "Magical iPad», Thompson summarizes and draws conclusions about the true destination of the future and iPad, as well as opportunities for the development of the tablet as a whole. He explains why the iPad, unlike any other device - a "magic" and finds the answer to in the previous article the question - why need a iPad?
Look at the performance of Steve Jobs at D8 in 2010, his comparison of "the iPad - it's a car, a PC - truck" became famous throughout the world. The whole conversation is entirely worthy of your attention.
Walt Mossberg: Do you think that the tablet will replace a laptop? For example, many say that it will never be able to create something really worthwhile. Tell me, in which direction the entire tablet market as a whole will develop, not just iPad?
Steve Jobs: You know, um... [long pause] I'm trying to come up with a good comparison.
When we were an agrarian nation, all cars were trucks because that's what you need to work with the earth. But when the cars began to be used in the industrial centers, and the Americans started arriving in these centers - Cars have become more popular and innovations such as automatic transmission, power steering and everything else that you do not need to have been in the truck, have become extremely important in cars. And now, perhaps, although I am not familiar with the statistics, perhaps 25-30 cars - is 1 truck, and the rest - cars. Although once 100% of trucks were.
PCs will follow the truck route. They will remain and will be very important, but they will enjoy less and less people.
Walt MossbergWhen you're talking about a PC, you do not have a view of the PC vs. Mac?
Steve Jobs: Personal computers.
Walt Mossberg: Personal computers, including laptops and desktops?
Steve Jobs: Exactly! Yes, such a transformation is not easy to give many. People from the world of the PC, such as you and me. We are so accustomed to their PC, they are really great. Speaking about the post-PC era, when it begins, many people will feel uncomfortable, because it changes. Many of the interests to which we are accustomed to will change and everything will be different. But I think we all get used to it. whether iPad will change the world? Who knows. Whether this will happen in the next year, in five or seven years? Again, I do not know. But I think that the movement in this direction has already begun.
That's what I think about Apple: iOS took control of those who are too attached to your PC (or MAK, as you like), and the last presentation as if I threw in the "era of trucks." Apple itself has given Frank Shaw of Microsoft see the weakness that you need to attack. That Apple has decided to spend more time on the Mac, than the iPad. It voskhvalivala Apple iWork for the Mac, and everybody understands that the personal computer software work better is on the PC than on the tablet. Not the best way to advertise the iPad. And that's exactly Apple was unable to focus on those products that make the iPad itself - much more flexible and varied use than the PC, instead of inviting us to a buffet of useless software.
Earlier, I wrote that the iPad - a truly disruptive product. It can be considered a "younger brother" of the computer that is relevant to PC users. And it has its advantages - such as portability and long battery life, it is what a lot of attention paid to the presentation. But much more importantly - what makes it quite similar to the PC. The unlimited number of features associated with the touch screen. Reliability iOS, an abundance of applications in the App Store. Anything from this not a word was said, moreover - iPad has not even been demonstrated in action. As if Apple tries to hide it in the shade, not to destroy itself.
Again, an excerpt from the D8-2010:
Steve JobsYou know, people laugh at me because of what I call the iPad "magical".
Kara Swisher: Yes it is.
Steve JobsBut I really think so. In it there is something magical. As if you're getting closer to that are using, internet, media files, applications, all content in general. As if some kind of boundary between you suddenly erased.
Kara Swisher: Perhaps it was the keyboard.
Steve Jobs: You know, it's like in the commercials Claritin, where they filmed the film, something like that. How is this achieved? The fact that you touch the screen? Or that carry iPad with them everywhere? Or the fact that no wires or battery work 10 hours? I dont know. Maybe these things complement is something that I still do not understand. But that in all there is some magic. And, you know, I am sure that with your tablet, you can create a great many things.
"Magic" - an adjective that causes extreme discomfort, especially for us geeks. The very idea of faith in something that can not be explained - is contrary to our principles and is rejected immediately. But people around the world believe in the supernatural. They believe that they can not understand or explain. But they refer to it, and only the humanities help us understand why.
The answer is "Why" is needed iPad, probably hidden in his magic. The way people use it, especially in applications. Without them - iPad is not iPad, but just another way to weight your handbag. Only with them it turns into what you want.
For a musician - he will be an instrument or a studio. For the artist - the canvas and brush. The student will see in it a textbook, and for the child it will result in a book with tales or box with toys. For grandma it will turn into an easy way to connect with family.
If you are a man, iPad - your magic wand. And, honestly, who among us would not like a magic wand? So why, then, Apple sells it as a chipset and glands?
Here is a series of articles by Ben Thompson about the past, present and future iPad and come to an end. It's time to discuss the reading. Whether the author was able to convince you that Apple takes the wrong iPad? What do you think about the future of the PC, whether you agree with Jobs that their number is destined to cut many times, and that the bulk of the market will take it Tablets? Are you ready to throw your PC and use only tablet today? Share your predictions and views in the comments.