It is no secret that over the past 20 years, technology has leaped forward. Today, we can buy a smartphone, the characteristics of which will surpass moschneyschie computers two decades ago. Vozmem even iPhone. As it would be ridiculous as it may sound, but the technology, until TouchID, which uses Apple's revolutionary smartphone her, were available in 1991. The only point in the price!
In '91, the hard drive of 1 GB would have cost you $ 10,000, now - no more than 4 cents ($ 0.04). That's only in the iPhone uses flash-memory, which, just do not fall, cost $ 45,000 per 1 GB (now - about 50 cents). So, using a calculator, we find that for the iPhone 5S of 32 GB of memory would be dispensed in 1.44 million dollars. And it is only in the production!
Next in line - the processor A7. A7 is clocked at 1.3 GHz and can carry 20.5 billion operations per second. Not bad for a mobile processor, agree? Mentally go back to 1991, when the most top-end was 80486SX microprocessor from Intel. Its characteristics were as follows: 1.2 GHz and 16.5 million operations per second. The price for such beauty could be up to $ 3000. Of course, to directly compare the A7 and 80486SX unlikely to succeed because of the difference in the frequency of these processors, so we decided to compare them for one million operations per second price in '91 it was worth about $30. Again, take a calculator in hand, believe and raises his eyebrows in surprise - A7 would cost 620 thousand dollars in 1991!
Of course, we do not consider the iPhone sizes. After all, in 1991, it would not just put 32 GB of memory, the processor at 1.3 GHz, as well as the camera, communications modules, sensors, and sensors, Retina-display, and much more in a small case. But such a comparison allows us to see how far IT-technologies have stepped forward in recent years!