Toy Implode! XL from IUGO Mobile Entertainment combines a number of unique ideas, which were first implemented it in the iPhone. First - it is an original game mechanics. The player's goal - to blow up everything, but this must be done as efficiently as possible to Diversity dynamite design littered the ground as much as possible with a thin layer. Second - unique graphic design in the form of a sketch by hand, in this case on a green blackboard chalk. It is on iPhone OS became popular games in this style. Remember the same Doodle Jump - megahit with a simple "pencil", but very attractive design. No less can be considered a hit and Implode! XL, and why - see below.
The main menu, as well as the game itself also looks like a hand-drawn. At the same time it is animated, or rather the cartoon: the letters and dance. Although 'wiggling' inscriptions occurs in a small range - it's not annoying, on the contrary - it looks very interesting. Static picture would be boring. Actually the whole thing is animated in a similar way: the dashed line indicates the level to which you want to destroy the structure, moves, changes shading bars, wicks burning in dynamite, fuse their lives life.
Menu options in the game are not particularly extensive. It allows you to control the volume, start playing music from your iPod library to expose the level of complexity, change the method of placing bombs (Drag or tap), to activate the cheat codes (before, you should register in IUGO network and earn VIP-points) and set a couple of other game options.
If tired of the main company, consisting of 150 levels, for free is offered to download additional projects, which to choose weight.
In addition, the Implode! XL has a full level editor and a display bit of imagination and patience, you can create and publish their own projects and IUGO network if desired). Working with him is very easy, especially since there is a convenient system of training.
I note that if the main menu, tap on the «More Games», then go to Safari and developer page is not going to happen, it usually entails closing the game. In this case, a kind of mini-browser built into the program itself - a trifle, but nice.
Well, time to start actually in the game. Total proposed 15 zones of ten levels each, but to get to the more complex, you can only progress through the game. Initially, most of the areas blocked. The gameplay is reduced only to the placement of dynamite or even entire barrels of powder on the structure, which must be destroyed. When explosives laid, tapom activated fuse, and we see juicy or not (that's as it will) an explosion, followed by a scatter in all directions from the rubble and blocks design. And all this takes place in compliance with the laws of gravity and physics of solids - it looks gorgeous. Especially if you ruin something big with the help of gunpowder barrels. As you progress through the dimensions of structures are growing, new types of units that can not explode, and the stability of the original buildings to vandalism by the user increases.
What can be said in the end - game is addictive and makes it very, very strongly. she initially attracted by its design, then the gameplay, and ends it all... the desire in the morning just etapchik one, oh how quickly ended, then another, and another, well, a little bit more - see how this huge smashed design…
Now the most interesting - the game is fully functional as iPhone / iPod touch - just for these devices it was made initially, and on iPad. That is, paying $ 3, which asks for the product designer, the user receives immediately two versions of Implode! XL in single file. For tablet, by the way, perfectly adapted to the game, and does not have the feeling that the graphic content simply stretched by the big screen. What it was necessary to redraw a resolution of 1024x768 - turned redrawn. Yes, to be a blast!
Game page on the App Store:Implode! XL
Developer website:IUGO Mobile Entertainment
cost: $2.99
Personal rating: 5+