Apple has managed to surprise us all with new features and iOS 7 design. Even more surprising is how many borrowings from other operating systems, has received a new mobile OSes from kupertinovtsy. But of particular interest are those functions that were taken on the basis of applications Jailbrerak-community. This on our memory still was not exact. We offer you a selection of 7 features "seven" who were there thanks to the efforts Jailbreakers.
1. Multitasking applications from snapshots
Apple introduced an updated multitasking in iOS 7 that displays snapshots of applications in addition to a simple icon. Applications are closed by a simple swipe up. Sounds familiar? - This is very similar to multitasking tweak AuxoThat all this time was very popular.
2. Black List of contacts
Apple has finally realized the black list for contacts in iOS 7. Now, you can block certain numbers, and they will not be able to dial up to you and write your message. Block contacts will be in iMessage and Facetime. For a long time, this feature has been familiar to us as iBlackList.
3. Live icon
Apple has finally turned the icon of your application "Clock", which six years were in one place, living and showing real time. The jailbreak-get-together this feature was known as LiveClock.
4. Access to the Center for notifications directly from the lock-screen
On iOS 7, Apple has finally provided users with access to the notifications directly from the screen lock-screen. Prior to that, equipped with such a function of the iPhone could tweak IntelliScreenX.
5. Standard filters for photos
IOS 7 lets you apply filters to your photos without the use of third-party applications. Users of the iPhone 5 and the Ipod Touch 5G can add filters right from applications and all others IOS 7 users can apply filters from the Photos application in the section editing picture. PhotoFilters allowed to do the same for iOS6-compromised devices.
6. Infinite number of tabs in Safari
On iOS 7, Apple removed the limit of 8 tabs for your Safari browser, so now you can have more web pages at your fingertips. Analogue to jailbreak known as Tab +.
7. Quick settings
Finally, Apple has realized rapid adjustment in its mobile OSes! Now you can quickly toggle Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, adjust brightness and volume, set AirDrop and AirPlay and even run built-in flashlight (!). There are many add-ons from dzhleybreyka that added this functionality in iOS, but one of the most popular is an SBSettings.
These are borrowing from the jailbreak community has made Apple, to improve iOS 7. In my opinion, such a large number of chips from Cydia in iOS, we have not seen. It is fair to say that many of them are really very useful and easier to work with iOS-devices.
And what function do you find most useful? What else Apple could apply to iOS? Whether to make your gadget jailbroken? Leave your answers in the comments.