If a lot of deals with the overall planning of the desktop version of Sim City mayor of a virtual city and macroeconomics, with the "apple" gadget in the hands of you will have in large measure to show their talent micromanager. However, from fermopodobnyh simulation Sim City BuildIt still different, and if you work out the right strategy for the development of your little town will grow by leaps and bounds.
I apologize in advance to those readers to whom this review may seem too long. Vzhivshis thoroughly in the role of virtual mayor, I have collected so many impressions that they physically would not fit in brief note on "Cool game, do it all!" Although, in the end, after a week of games about this conclusion and arises. All stated below - for details lovers. :)
Hakuna Matata, Mr. Mayor
Those who are in the desktop version of Sim City never had the patience to break the one million-city, BuildIt certainly should appeal. In comparison with the "big Simcoe", here everything is much easier, and many of the city life processes happen by themselves.
For example, the game is completely absent terraforming. No need to fool with marking territory, indicating where they should be located houses, business objects, and the company - instead you simply setting new buildings as they become available and follow the level of consumption of basic resources. On the lining of communications and caring for them can also do not remember - most importantly pave the road, along which water flows, and electricity, and sewerage. The taxation system is also simplified to a minimum: no tools for manual control, as well as the possibility of introducing a variety of additional taxes. The main thing that the population grew and was happy - these are the two factors that affect the amount of tax payments to the city budget.
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And to make residents happy, and many with the right approach, too, is quite simple: no factories and aeration stations near residential areas, plenty of water and electricity round the clock care for public order and fire safety... And if your Majesty a mayor has not greedy at the parks, transport systems and education, places of entertainment and attractions - so have time to add only new homes: rebound from wishing to settle in your New Vasyuki not will be.
If the new settlers are satisfied, they soon will ask you some building materials to increase their homes. Each restructuring will bring a solid budget replenishment and increase the total population of your city, which is again a positive impact on the amount of tax deductions.
But in addition to the taxes to the city to earn the cash you can and in other ways. First, the city manufactured products can be sold through the warehouse. And I advise you not to shy with the price: lomite to the maximum - sooner or later you even buy chairs for 300 Simoleons apiece. :) Secondly, the townspeople periodically talk about their friends who need any differently, often at the price more profitable than you can acquire through the warehouse. Provide the requested goods - and your money. Third, when you earn the seaport, there may be all the same to bring their nishtyaki, and receive them not only money (Again, warehouse rests), but also the golden keys required for the construction of buildings that form the further specialization cities.
Debit with the credit
But to spend earned money, as always, a lot easier, so you need to carefully plan costs. Even so, that is given for free, you have to be careful. For example, do not rush to place homes, if your power system, water supply and sewerage work at the limit, and the money for the purchase of a new wind turbine, a water tower and water treatment plant until missing. Parsley is the same with the police and fire: do not provide citizens with the necessary comfort and safety - those massively rush to pack your bags. I, for example, a couple of times had to put up with the abandoned skyscrapers, until I was able to "nakolyadovat 'coins on the fire station.
Free in Sim City BuildIt are also the basic way (their extension will already be impressive money), and small plants that have at the small scale very sickly range of environmental pollution. But when you offer to buy the plant more and cleaner - do not rush. Six Free zavodik you nadogo be enough to meet domestic demand and for export.
expansion of holdings
Creating a SIM residents comfort, so they turned their fragile dwellings in the luxury skyscrapers - that is to say, the extension up. But you can also zoom in and occupied the town square.
You from the beginning visible marking of territory: the main border town (thick dashed line) and the areas that you can take, gathering a sufficient number of spare parts for bulldozers. Such pieces in SimCity BuildIt sold or manufactured - they take out from somewhere in the grateful residents.
A share valuable "iron" they can on one condition: if their favorite mayor over them his personal attention. Simply click on the cloud, pop-up over the buildings and see what they say sim citizens about the city and about you. Referring suggested, you will collect the wheels, exhaust pipes or bulldozer buckets. By bringing a particular number of such devices can unlock a particular land.
Similarly, going to a surveillance camera, granary locks and grilles needed to increase urban warehouse, which sent all manufactured and purchased products and raw materials. Also do not forget to pump, otherwise you simply will not be able to continue to produce the necessary things to you.
By the way, a very efficient solution at the right time becomes the temporary cessation of development of the city. Suppose, now, I got to level 13, I completely skyscrapers with the total number of residents happy little more than 48 thousand. man. It is enough to almost 9.5 thousand dripping day one tax only. Simoleons. Plus successful proposals from the familiar baryg, plus the activity in the port - I even goods warehouse until they bother.
While the city is in a sort of state of homeostasis, I have plenty of time to extend the area for future residential areas and mark its basic roads, and slowly fill the treasury: money do I need exactly to the power plant, water treatment plant, police site fire brigade and several parks to new settlers soon felt comfortable and wanted to expand their abode breadth and upwards.
The technical side of the story
Of course, we can not ignore the game itself as a software product. It's clear that Sim City BuildIt fully three-dimensional and very similar to its desktop sister. But how it flies! In my opinion, optimization bombeznaya. I do not know how to ah-end gadgets 2012 issue (iPad 3 is already in flight), but at last year's iPhone 5s and even more so on the new iPhone 6 toy works without any complaints.
Bright, a little cartoonish, with pleasant sounds and background Muzychka... It's amazing how the developers managed to create an attractive image, using a fairly simple visual tricks and effects. Control of the game is very convenient. The interface worked well, too, so even Russified until the pink walls of the police station (corporate sim sitishny Yumorok). True, the typography in the Russian version of the game crooked, unlike the original English version, but it is a trifle.
Naturally, with its three-dimensional BuildIt battery eats mercilessly - if addicted to the process, the charging cable is not hide. ;)
Donat? No, have not heard
In their comments, some players complain about the very bitter Donat, which is simply ruining the entire game. Frankly, reaching level 13, I did not see any hint of coercion to buy for real money or VIP-Simoleons currency SimCash, necessary for the construction of special buildings. Maybe Donat start later, but for now I like the balance of the game the financial system, if you do not want to pay for a quick solution - just wait a few hours and you'll be on the ointment.