Figure - music generator for iPad
Ios / / December 21, 2019
The owners of iOS-devices have become accustomed to the fact that for the musical part of their gadgets meets familiar to all GarageBand. In this case, very often it is used to write a fairly simple melodies and rhythms to arrange intro to the video, audio podcasts, or some promotional materials. Today, I suggest you look at a curious application that is not only cheaper orchestra from Apple, but it is also much easier to use.
It is about groove machine / drum machine and all sorts of key generator elektronschiny hidden under the hood of Figure application. Relatively recently, it appeared in the iPad-version, and I will briefly tell you about it (and even show you how it looks).
After entering the program, and display a beautiful screensaver you will find yourself with three tabs of different colors on the home page: this section of the drum (rhythm, drum, cymbals), a section of keyboards and bass. You can select one of the preset sound manually adjust the tempo, speed, number of cycles and shocks. At the top you'll see a button for recording and playback, and can also adjust the length of the recording tracks in a limited number of sections (in fact, application then looped playback of the recorded track with beats and bass, and you can already impose keyboards as you want, writing the result to the external carrier).
Finished melody can be stored on your tablet or share the fruits of their creativity in using free web hosting SoundCloud music files.
Despite the simplicity and cute app is so exciting (for both adults and children), and that is good rhythm machine, and a great musical toy in which to learn anything not necessary, and even a musical instrument have not required. When I hear the evening as a neighbor kid behind the wall tormented piano with some fits and starts "Moonlight Sonata", I begin to think that Figure it would have more success :)
It looks to work with an application like this:
If you do not metite in the band, but simply want to create a short musical intro to the recorded video or podcast, or simply experiment in the recording of tunes using your iPad, the application Figure with its symbolic price - more than reasonable and convenient solution for your tablet.
Price: Free