How to organize the technical aspects of public speaking or presentation (+ video)
Macos Ios / / December 21, 2019
Today I want to share my personal experience of the presenter and to tell you how I use gadgets from Apple during their presentations. The fact is that most people do not use fully the devices that are in front of them and they are in the pocket.
In fact, during a presentation at the speaker has a few problems that it is faced with:
- he must keep within the allotted time, which greatly helps the organizers of events and simply show their respect for the audience time;
- it does not need to stare at your own slides behind and look to the room, and a clear understanding that appears behind him and at what stage is the animation, if it takes place in parallel with the performance;
- need to have a clue who did not get on the slides - it is the abundance of text at the mountain-presenter and shows that he is not ready and threw slides tips yourself, their need to hide;
- he can not depend on the Internet.
In their speeches, I use three devices: a laptop Apple Macbook Pro, the phone Apple iPhone 4 and Yota Egg (without an internet connection, I :) in Ukraine. And be sure to keep all adapters interface between your computer and interfaces such as the HDMI, VGA, DVI.
To demonstrate and laptop displays on the screen I'm going to use a bunch of "laptop monitor", but you can easily imagine what happens to the output of the projector. Primetrno it looks like this:
And here is how the monitor settings. Little white planochki you can drag making one or two of the main monitor.
monitor settings should be done before the presentation, of course.
Prepare presentations for speeches in front of people having a taste of the best in Apple Keynote program. It's all done in order to have turned out nice and big. Be sure to download or buy it and then it will return to Powerpoint strongly impossible. During the preparation of the presentation slides are submitted for only the most important thing, and all the debris and buzzwords (slide supply plan) write in the notes. Right here:
You can always look at them during the performance, and your audience they will never see.
Launch the presentation
During the presentation, start on the big screen should go only to the slides, and God forbid you to duplicate the same thing on your laptop. We have Keynote presenter mode that looks like this:
On the screen of the presenter, you can change the parameters of the duration of the presentation and will constantly see the corner of his eye the timeline. Immediately see what will happen next. Moreover, the green bar on top turns red if your back on the main screen there is the animation and click "Next" you do not need. Otherwise, you just proschelkal multiple slides or animation moves. I'm sure you have seen this more than once.
And this is how it works in the system:
You can rely on the organizers and they will give you the control to which a non-zero probability you will have problems. I have seen problems with these consoles:
- you need something to connect via USB, while your audience will look at you perspiring with excitement;
- buttons will not work as you expected;
- not always such panels work with any part of the scene;
- they can take the batteries;
- they may not be very pleasant to the touch after the sweaty palms of excitement from the previous speakers (why do you need this discomfort, you will have little trouble?).
Instead of ready-made solutions from the organizers use in the simplest case aluminum panel from your Macbook Pro, which is always included with the notebook, but there is still in the Apple TV2, for example.
Frankly, I'm in this pultik lacks interactivity, but because I use during presentations to iPhone 4 installed programs Remote. Once you download it to your phone, you need to sparovat its program and Keynote on your computer. Follow the instructions on your iPhone, open Keynote and settings. Given to you phone, enter the code in the settings and the device will immediately sparovany.
There are two modes in mobility programs work: vertical - do you see the current slide and notes left by himself, horizontal - you can see the current and next slide or animation step. Swipe slides are doing exactly the same as flipping through a photo program Photos.
Well, in the interior:
Generally Connect your iPhone and your Mac occurs via bluetooth or wi-fi. I've never tried bluetooth, but it may slow down the speed of the transfer of images to the phone, because I use the wi-fi. To connect the devices they need to be on the same wi-fi network. Rely on the organizers and I do not like here. Everyone knows how wireless networks operate at trade shows and conferences, and therefore there I hedged myself. I use a stand-alone router from Iota, which is often used as an exit point to the Internet during frequent visits to Moscow, where he worked in the "Yandex". I comes in handy today only wi-fi component of this gadget. Before his speech, I include Iota and connect to your private network with a password and the laptop and phone. At this point, they become connected and everything works fine for several hours, if necessary - until Yoto-egg will not sit down :)
It seems all the secrets that I'd like to share. How it works in your life you can see in my speech at the conference SMM.UA where this whole set, and all of these techniques work exactly as I described in this story.
The presentation itself is available hereWe ate SMM you're interested in the topic :)
If you are interested in the topic of public speaking, do not miss our article on this topic:
"The atomic method" to create presentations
Presentation about the presentation or how to arrange their thoughts in slides
VIDEO: 10-20-30 rule in presentations from Guy Kavazaki