Creating apps for the iPhone and iPod touch is no longer so profitable business. Even the example of Steve Demeter (Steve Demeter), who earned $ 250,000 in two months in sales of its application in the App Store, can not be considered absolute success. (According to him, secured a comfortable existence than sales development in the App Store, a successful investment in shares of Palm, which rose from $ 1.76 to $ 12.)
Plight iPhone-developers devoted to an interesting article in Newsweek. Author writes notes that work on creation good application turns out to be a titanic - is six months full of work and often a lot of waste, which can reach $ 150,000. But if the application will not be sold or do not get in the App Store for whatever reason - all the effort and expenditure will be in vain. Here is an example: David Barnard (David Barnard), an application developer Trip Cubby, said that it did not bring him any revenue. Even after the good reviews on his brainchild and its popularity among users of Trip Cubby was unprofitable. It was only his second development - Gas Cubby - finally proved profitable.
That is, even after rigorous selection of apps Apple team and hit them in the App Store, only a few hundreds of 86 thousands of applications, is now sold in the online store, bring tangible benefits to their creators. So that fewer independent developers willing to cooperate in this regard with Apple. Most of the applications are now creating large companies, whose leadership is not interested in income, and advertising, and as a result they release free applications or those that cost 99 cents less. Independent developers, in turn, transferred to work in a more advantageous for them to partners - Palm, Google and Research in Motion.
Not long ago, I was discussing the prospects Ep sided with his friend, who was involved in the development of programs for the iPhone OS. He is convinced that this business is very difficult for the lone entry threshold has increased and a greater chance of success with teams of 2-5 people. Many talented programmers no longer run the risk of writing their own applications for the iPhone, and concentrate on the execution of orders.