It seems, Apple has finally solved the problem and now jailbroken easily "hack» iPhone 3GS in order to obtain access to the device file system, making it possible to install it are not approved by Apple applications, you can not. This vying say on the web, especially on sites AppleInsider, MacWorld and others. In the all new iPhone 3GS phones has been updated to firmware chip BootROM to version iBoot-359.32. So now the new communicators can not be hacking using Dev Team team exploit.
One of the participants Dev Team reportedThat is - the first time that Apple has updated the BootROM in the midst of production of the product, even without updating the hardware platform.
Of course this "upgrade" and prevent unlocking the modem locked to work only with certain iPhone 3GS operator, which also does not add enthusiasm to some categories of users. An interesting fact is that the iPhone 3GS with the new BootROM came to the market immediately after the release team Dev Team updated version of iPhone jailbreak utility - PwnageTool 3.1.4, which cope even with the latest firmware version 3.1.2. For iPhone 3GS users with the old version of BootROM can only be happy, and the rest are out of luck. On the other hand, the practice shows that almost all cracked and maybe after a while there is a new eksproyt.